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Moodle iframe activity lesson completion event

I have an iframe with a link with Moodle SCORM activity as popup display. Is there a way to intercept the completion of the SCORM activity? For example, through a post message or another method?
Giovanni Cucè's user avatar
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How to charge the image of link

I have a question, is it possible to put the image of a url in this code, instead of the one in android:background=@drawnings/banner_icon another one that is hosted in a url??. Thanks everyone The ...
Carlos Conde's user avatar
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Why is my standard activity not newly instantiated in Android (result START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP)?

There are two Activities in my app:. MainActivity SecondActivity They are both in default LAUNCH MODE, which according to my understanding should be STANDARD mode. Step 1: Now I start MainActivity ...
progquester's user avatar
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Inject ComponentActivity Class with DaggerHilt

I have an implementation class using an Activity Contract to select a ringtone: class RingtonePickerImpl @Inject constructor( activity: ComponentActivity ) : RingtonePicker { private ...
Tonnie's user avatar
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Loading drawables different contexts

Is there a difference in loading drawables programatically using applicationContext vs Activity Context
Mahmoud Omara's user avatar
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Re-launch an existing task in recent apps from a service

I am trying to launch a specific app that appears on the recent apps screen, from a service, given the app's package name. The following usually works: context.startActivity(new Intent().setPackage(...
Flyview's user avatar
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Text display in random position in all other activities of app, by triggering from one activity

I have Main, Home activities are there Launcher app side (.apk). PlayActivity, Profile, and Init are there on the library side (.aar) from the server side 1 message will trigger, then I want to show ...
insider_ank's user avatar
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Wear OS Alarm app: launch alarm Activity from AlarmManager or BroadcastReceiver

I'm trying to create a standalone alarm app for my watch (Pixel Watch 2). It was going smooth until I needed to show the screen (Activity) when the alarm goes off to show a snooze button. I tried many ...
Kevin van Mierlo's user avatar
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How to fix ANativeActivity_onCreate not found in mixed Kotlin/C++ game

I have a game that's written in C++ ( and a Kotlin activity called "GameActivity" that's based on NativeActivity. The Kotlin activity hosts the game and the game uses ...
Bungles's user avatar
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ActivityLifecycleCallbacks not working with activities launched via implicit intents

There is any option to catch the activity lifecycle for activities that are launched via implicit intents? val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, "http://...") startActivity(intent) Seems ...
CjStone10's user avatar
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I am creating a video player app as per the my course instruction but i get stuck on the code

I am getting an error in the URI import part, along with parsing for binding. tried AI but it is not giving relevant result , this video player play the video from the res folder. error image package ...
Prateek 's user avatar
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Using setFragmentResultListener in activity

My container activity handles navigation in some cases like this: fun navigate(directions: NavDirections, extras: Navigator.Extras? = null) { extras?.let { navController.navigate(...
jack_the_beast's user avatar
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Is there any way to get name of intent flag in Android?

I wondered if Android has a way to get the name of an intent flag. For instance I get flag value by method intent.flags but these are just int value. I found that 524288 is const value of ...
Thái Quốc Toàn's user avatar
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When opening external link, and user goes back, redirect user to my Activity

I have activity in my app, where links to social networks are located. They are opened following way: context.startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, myURL)) So when user clicks on it, he will be ...
Tom11's user avatar
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Is a callback exist when system kill process for activity?

Sometimes system can kill or terminate process of an activity. I need to save data of the activity to shared preferences. Is any callback will call in this case? onPause or on onSaveInstanceState not ...
Style-7's user avatar
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What is the purpose of specifying an <activity-alias> with "android:enabled" as false?

I'm looking at an application that describes several elements in the Android Manifest but with "android:enabled" as false. The docs state the attribute specifies Whether the target ...
user27462308's user avatar
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3 answers

Context cannot be cast to error

I recently updated the gradle dependencies and right after that I started getting this error: android.view.ContextThemeWrapper cannot be cast to The code where the error ...
William St-Laurent's user avatar
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Can't figure out how to turn on screen from foreground service or receiver without half or more of the functions being deprecated

I have a foreground service that should turn on the screen of the user everytime an update in the database occurs to let the user know, but I can't seem to figure out how to turn on the screen. So far ...
Para1life's user avatar
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Facing an exception when closing a Fragment using android kotlin

I have a main activity, in that I have a fragment layout. Based on the condition, I would like to show the corresponding fragment. So, From the main activity, I am calling a class where I am doing ...
Kalai Selvi's user avatar
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Send Data Fom Fragment to Activity Kotlin

I am building a calculator application in which buttons section is inside fragment (fragment belongs to main_activity only) and result textview is in main_activity. Now can anyone tell a simple ...
user3047858's user avatar
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Issues with launching the MyFiles App in a specified folder

i am trying to open the mobile app called "My Files" in a specified folder but can't seem to get it to work, it may be because i am using the wrong myfiles activity but i haven't found a ...
migapines's user avatar
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Screen rotation with configChanges causes Fragment ViewBinding to NPE

I have encountered a puzzling problem. When I create a Fragment in an Android View and create a ViewBinding inside the Fragment, and then declare android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|...
有鲫雪狐's user avatar
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Android Activity gets destroyed when reopening the app from the launcher

I'm encountering a problem with my Android app where an activity (ActivityB) is destroyed when the app is minimized and then reopened from the launcher. However, if I open the app from the recent apps ...
Androidew1267's user avatar
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How to open only an overlay Activity on sharing, bypassing the MainActivity, like Google Keep? [closed]

I'm trying to implement functionality similar to Google Keep's sharing behavior. When sharing content (like text) from another app and selecting Google Keep from the share menu, the app doesn't open ...
Jun's user avatar
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(Android) Calling activity from service using startActivity(intent) gets called for the first time, but fails to run second time

I have an activity which i call from service, I am using startActivity(intent) to achieve it, it works fine when i am triggering it for the first time, the activity gets launched properly. But if I ...
Vishwa Mehta's user avatar
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Inflate activity's layout asynchronously while other activity is running

I work on an app that consists of two activities, call them A and B. A is a main activity that appears after launch. B is an activity with a very heavy layout that needs to be inflated. If I ...
asivers's user avatar
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Can we honoured Intent flag value over Manifest in launch mode when intent flag and manifest launch mode is different?

Android Documentation mentioned for Same Intent Flag and Manifest Launch Mode but what when they are different? So, if Activity A starts Activity B, Activity B can define in its manifest how it ...
Akshat Singhal's user avatar
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How to bring variables from one activity to another: Returning to MainActivity using activityResultLauncher

I'm really new to android dev, and am self-taught (I know, sorry...) I'm working in Java, and am trying to write an app to record scores etc for netball games. My roadblock at the moment is that i ...
RobM's user avatar
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Why when killing an app quickly, onStop and onPause are not called?

I want to schedule with WorkManager, and when I put the app into background, it will be scheduled, but if I kill the app too quickly, onStop and onPause will not be called, so it will not be possible ...
Đức Nguyễn Văn's user avatar
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Long click is consumed in the activity started for task, not on launcher activity

In Homescreen task view is used to show Navigation activity in the widget. When Homescreen is visible, the Navigation activity is started and becomes the top activity. Here the navigation activity is ...
Dev_Cob's user avatar
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How to perform a long-running task when app starts?

When the configuration changes (for example, the user's number format has changed), all data in the database must be updated. For this, I added a function to onCreate() that converts all data when the ...
ViH's user avatar
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Reading CSV File in Android using ActivityResultLauncher [duplicate]

I am developing an Android app and trying to understand how to read the selected file's contents using ActivityResaultLauncher. I intend to choose a CSV file stored somewhere on the device like ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Prevent the app from closing when the back button is pressed

After scanning barcode When I press the back button, my app closes. I am using Flutter and Kotlin code for barcode scanning. It should go to the home page, which is TestScreen, but it doesn't. Here is ...
Mansoor Malik's user avatar
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"Error: 'package identifier or launch activity not found' after setting LEANBACK_LAUNCHER for Android TV"

I'm currently developing an Android TV app using Flutter, and I want to support only Android TV, excluding mobile and tablet devices. To achieve this, I modified the AndroidManifest.xml file by ...
Parth Pitroda's user avatar
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kotlin android studio scrollbar issues

I am working on a project in Android Studio where I have a form on which I need to place a scroll function (scrollbar) however, when I apply it and execute the scroll it does not happen, no matter how ...
FabianRosero18's user avatar
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`android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"` not working with `ConstraintLayout`

I'm creating an Android application in Java using Android Studio, and I use a ConstraintLayout for the positioning of the views in my layout. The problem is that when I open the keyboard, it hide the ...
foxypiratecove37350's user avatar
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Null extracted folder for artifact: ResolvedArtifact(componentIdentifier=androidx.activity:activity:1.8.0

I build Native SDK for android. To build SDK for react native (for the same product), I used bridging method. I added native SDKs of Android and iOS in the React native and build an SDK for the react ...
muhammad faizan's user avatar
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Why does windowIsTranslucent fix the orientation of the child activity?

I am currently doing screen orientation tests for Activities. I found something interesting and would like to ask. I have a MainActivity and a SubActivity, and the device's orientation is set to Auto-...
CodingBruceLee's user avatar
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Flutter App: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on DexPathList

A while ago, I updated android studio and since then, my android emulators have not been letting me test the app. I have not attempted to test the app on a physical android device, since I do not have ...
CreativeUserName's user avatar
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How does Reddit display 'x people here' on a certain post?

This is what I mean. I am interested in how do they display this, and does this mean on desktop only or does it count mobile users as well. Interested to know. I haven't tried anything yet. I'm just ...
Matej Lečnik's user avatar
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How to lauch an android app from specific Fragment (activity)

I am doing automation testing of app using appium. And i need to launch app on specific page (activity) but in my project there is only one RootActivity. When I use this code on it works well but only ...
Akdil Toktosun uulu's user avatar
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Add a new android activity to flutter app

I have build this flutter app which relies on using an alarm to function properly, everything works fine and the alarm triggers as expected, the only problem am facing now is the app has became fully ...
sidali boumaraf's user avatar
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Request Camera Permission in a fragment and context error?

So, I have an activity with a bottomNavBar with 3 pages. Each of these pages is a fragment. In my app i need camera permission so i wrote some code to request this permission an check if the ...
user23968783's user avatar
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How to start MainActivity after SplashScreen?

I want to run my app on devices below android 12. The app will have a splash screen, the app can't use splash screen api becuase it does not work sufficiently in devices below android 12. How to ...
Fatima Jamal's user avatar
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How to Pass ArrayList of Custom Objects Between Activities in Kotlin on Android Studio

I'm working on an Android project in Kotlin where I store user information in a custom object. I need to pass an ArrayList<CustomObject> from one activity to another and display the stored ...
Ahmad Louis's user avatar
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canceling notification after clicking on notification builder action button

Starting from android 12 , starting activity from BroadcastReceiver and services is not possible anymore, according to the documentation this is called Notification trampoline restrictions and now we ...
joghm's user avatar
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Show an activity while the phone is lock in Android app

I am trying to show an activity when the app receives an specific message from a bluetooth device even if the phone is locked. I have already have the activity and the connection part and also it ...
ylr's user avatar
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android Manifest merger failed build

please help with manifest merger <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@mipmap/...
Jeaner Joseph's user avatar
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Android: Two launcher icon for two different Acitvities

What is correct method to create two launcher icons for towo activities? I tried it like this: <activity android:name=".SettingsActivity" android:exported="true&...
Michal's user avatar
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I want to build androidx's appcompat and integrate in AOSP build

I want to build androidx's Appcompat(done some changes) and integrate in AOSP. When I use the below command, it generates debug and release aar. android_xsource_code/androidx/frameworks/support$ ./...
Shadow's user avatar
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