is the Khronos official double precision floating point precision extension. It requires that arithmetic be IEEE 754-2008 compliant, and the full range of OpenCL vector types and standard library functions be supported.
Initially, AMD only implemented a subset of what the cl_khr_fp64
extension requires, so they issued there own vendor extension cl_amd_fp64
for supporting double precision on their GPU hardware. When it first appeared, the range of support was very limited (perhaps only +,-,* with non standard rounding behaviour IIRC), but it has slowly expanded with successive SDK releases and newly hardware revisions. They list what is supported in their release notes, if my memory serves correctly.
I haven't followed their progress closely for a while, so I am not sure why what you are seeing might be occurring. If you have the latest driver and stream SDK version installed, I would suggest putting together a repro case and filing a bug report with them. It might be you are using something they don't support or guarantee the results of, but it could also be that you have found a bug.