I have an issue here..and its making me really nervous.
I was working on this game, and it was going great, so I took a copy of it on my laptop to work do some work while away from my computer.
long story short, hard-drive failure + poor back ups led to me losing a very important class.
Is there a way to decompile the apk to retrieve the bit of code that was lost? It isn't overly complicated or sophisticated, its just that its impossible to re-write it without reading every. single. line. of. code. in the entire application since it initializes a LOT of classes and loads a bunch of stuff in a specific way.
With a quick google search I was able to find apktool, which decompiles it into a bunch of .smali files, which I don't think were designed for human reading.
All I need to recover is one very big method in the class. I found the smali file that contains it and I think I found the line where it starts. something like
.method public declared-synchronized load(Lcom/X/X/game/X;)I
Anyone help would be appreciated since I would have to scrap the entire game without this method.