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Recovered image does not match : CS50

I am working on the Recover assignment of the CS50 course. Getting the error : The recovered image does not match (from the CS50 error checker). In other words, I successfully recover 50/50 JPGs, but ...
nerdkingprime's user avatar
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My recover file from cs50x pset4 only recovers the corner of the files

I was trying to solve the problem recover of pset 4 of cs50x. We are supposed to create a new image whenever we discover the correct header of a jgp file, which i tried to do so. But for some reason, ...
Aryan Raj's user avatar
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Recover my original azure system generated username and password

I created a free Azure account recently for my practice sessions. The username and passwords were system generated and I didn't save them anywhere. During my practice sessions, I invited a guest ...
FredRop's user avatar
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Git: Recover changes from abandoned Cherry-pick

So today I managed to mess up big time. Timeline: Started a Cherry pick operation in Visual Studio to show someone how it's done. Completely forgot about it and continued working for two days Went to ...
Jano Rajmond's user avatar
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How to recover deleted API from AWS API Gateway?

I accidentally deleted one of REST API from API Gateway. Is there a way to restore it by myself or AWS support can help it? If I have to recreate the API, is there a way to keep the same API ID, so ...
Joey Chou's user avatar
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While trying to recover lost data from defunct account

I'm trying to recover lost data and was sent a code to scan but received this message?? {"success":false,"message":"[NumberFormatException]For input string:"null:"&...
Robert Strauch's user avatar
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Snowflake Time Travel is not working as expected after ALTER TABLE

I have a table in Snowflake. After I drop a column I try to use time travel, but the data is gone. Why? How to reproduce: create or replace table time_travel_test as select 1 a, 2 b, 3 c union all ...
Felipe Hoffa's user avatar
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github | force pushed --orphan branch ~•~ lost all data/website ~•~ recoverable?

preface ~ i'm still a very 🌱 green programmer + i attempted to resolve the issue below w/ the step-by-step assistance of initial issue git push repeatedly errored: GH001: Large files ...
kreme's user avatar
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Is there any way for .Net Worker Service to Recover After Restart?

I have a scenario wants to use .Net Worker service to handle some queue messages. Ideally, there maybe several service instances deployed, each instance will have a Worker service. And each Worker ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Overwritten program but still in console

While saving my file, I accidentally overwrote it with previous project. Now my new code is gone and I have only the old one. In console, I have old program still running. Is there any option to ...
Krzysztof Szczeciak's user avatar
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How to recover with RMAN at a given point in time?

I perform backups with RMAN on an Oracle 12c database. I'm trying to restore a table deleted on 11/17/2023 at 09:44 but I get an error message when I apply alter database open resetlogs; command Below ...
Tony92's user avatar
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Opu.Ua.Client - C# - OPC UA - How can a client recover a session (permanent/durable) with subscription(s)?

I'm new to OPC UA. I've installed a Server OPC for sumulation (Integration Objects\OPC UA Server Simulator). I'm using c# with Opc Foundation std library. I've successfully implemented the client ...
Stefano Cucchi's user avatar
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Recover Bulk Deleted items in django framework

Is it possible to recover multiple deleted files in one go using django framework. If so, what are the ways? I tried latest file recovery, it worked. but not sure on multiple files recovery . I am ...
Riya Gupta's user avatar
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How to stitch ExoPlayer chunks back together?

I have a few .exo files. When I use nautilus to browse the files, I can see the .exo files which are chunks that used to be part of a full video. In my file explorer Nautilus, it detects that the ...
xdevs23's user avatar
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How to recover collection that are dropped but in a pending state in the MongoDB?

Can anyone help me to restore the collection that is in a pending state after the drop? I accidentally deleted a collection. I run db.getCollectionNames({includePendingDrops: true}) and I get the ...
Preetam Chakraborty's user avatar
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Recover of the last successful build of a project in Visual Studio

Is there any way to get last successful build of a project? I have wrongly removed one of my WinForms. When I press Start, Visual Studio asks me to run the last successful build of the project and I ...
Cooper's user avatar
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How to recover a deleted test run in Polarion

I accidentally deleted a test run which holds important data. It holds the work of multiple teams. I was deletin another test run but mistakingly I deleted another with The one I wanted. It would be ...
Nikhil Meshram's user avatar
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Python Script cannot access drive to recover deleted files using pytsk3

import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog import pytsk3 drive_entry = None # Global variable for drive_entry output_entry = None # Global variable for output_entry def recover_files(...
ocha's user avatar
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I'm trying to recover a malformed database using '.recover' command but I get an 'out of memory' error (OOM)

I am trying to recover a database of not more than 23 MB containing around 6 months of fitness related data. I transferred the file online from my phone to my laptop using Filezilla app (ASCII method) ...
ManiacBegbie's user avatar
-2 votes
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Could not recover SATA HDD after 5 attempts Mac

The Mac has decided to freeze and restart several times a day while I'm using it. panic (cpu 2 caller 0xffffff801a579938): watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd in 93 seconds ..... Used the ...
Awadhesh Kumar's user avatar
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Repairing corrupted JPEG images from character replacement

Recently I got some corrupted JPEG images after a mistakingly input command: ~$> sed -i 's/;/_/g' * After that, in the working directory and the subdirectories, Every byte '0x3b' in JPEG images ...
PARK Jae woo's user avatar
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Recover deleted PostgreSQL config files

I was trying to delete pg_log folder (it was huge 3Gib) But i accidentally remove everything in data folder (by rm ./*): Now all of the .conf files removed from data folder and i receiving this error ...
Mwthreex's user avatar
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linux mint 17 root password recover

I got an old x86 laptop with Linux Mint 17 installed. However, I do not have any decent passwords for either root or user accounts. I have already done steps explained at
JussiJ's user avatar
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ceph cluster break down after power failure, how can I save my data?

I have a 4 node ceph cluster deployed with cephadm on rocky9.0, ceph version 17.2.5. podman version 4.1.1 The entire cluster was broke down after an unexpected power failure. cluster conf # minimal ...
william's user avatar
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How to download repository?

How to download repository? I deployed application, then lost code. How to recover it from Github repository was not updated. Until 2016, it was not possible:
Mário César Fracalossi Bais's user avatar
3 votes
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My heroku database got detached. How can i recover my heroku hobby dev postgres database?

i am facing an issue from heroku that shows "Heroku marked free databases for deletion". my database is detached by heroku. enter image description here i want to recover my database. when i ...
Prakash P's user avatar
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CS50 recover Pset4 does not pass check50

This program is designed to recover images from a digital camera SD card. The program is not passing the last three checks when I run it through check50. The program does not recover 000.jpg, middle ...
Noddin Leigh's user avatar
-2 votes
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CS50 Recover (Pset4): Segmentation fault

Basically title. I'm getting a segmentation fault instead of 50 jpeg images when I run my program. I've tried playing around with different conditions. Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <...
PianoOwl's user avatar
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Can't figure out solution to cs50's "Recover" in C. New JPEGs are being created but I cannot view them-

I am currently on the "Recover" pset in cs50 and I have tried multiple variations of my solution. The assignment is to recover 50 JPEG files that were deleted from a memory card. We are ...
Robert Paulson's user avatar
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Answered - CS50 PSet4 Recover: Getting Segmention fault (core dumped)

I am getting a 'Segmentation fault (core dumped) error' I know that means I am accessing memory I shouldn't. The error is coming in the outer else loop with the fwrite function. fwrite(buffer, 1, 512, ...
ManveerD's user avatar
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Azure VM won't boot - Error is 'Fatal error C0000034 applying update operation 63 of 82641'

VM is set to start every morning at 8am. This morning I got the following error : - 'Fatal error C0000034 applying update operation 63 of 82641' in the Boot Diagnostics section in the VM Console Every ...
Dan's user avatar
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Spring - recover annotation is not been called

I'm using Retryable and Recover annotation in spring, but the recover method is not triggered after all retry attempts My code: in the application class I added - @EnableRetry(proxyTargetClass=true) @...
IdanOst's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Does golang support global recovery? [duplicate]

I have a program with lots of goroutines, and I want to handle the panic globally. It looks like I have to add a recovery in each of the goroutines, is there a way to do it globally? I wrote a test ...
daisy's user avatar
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why is this code giving me uncompleted photos?

in this pset I should recover 50 every photo is 512 bytes, I should read the data from a file(argv[1]) then if I found a photo header I should write it to a file but it always gives me uncompleted ...
ali nasser's user avatar
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Folder destroyed while cloning a git repo

I was cloning my git repo (which was empty). As it was empty, I didn't notice it didn't finish cloning yet and I added files/folders to it, but it got destroyed before the cloning finished, and all my ...
User34t's user avatar
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How to recover configure command line arguments used before?

I have ran configure on a software project a long time ago and have forgotten which command line arguments I had used at the time. Since then the configure script changed and, so now I want to rerun ...
FalcoGer's user avatar
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CS50 Recover - memory issue

I'm a bit stymied by this problem, so I'd love any advice or insight into what I'm doing wrong. In short, when submitting the below Recover code to CS50's CHECK50, I pass every test except the last ...
chrisware's user avatar
-1 votes
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Git: restore a deleted branch. (i can find a commit within that branch with `git log -p SHA`) [duplicate]

I deleted a branch that i want to restore. I tried to recover it and the only thing i could find is a commit from git-log running: git log -p 4afa3abc4218b6251dea24c910eaced6af465d11. Also - it seems ...
shayms8's user avatar
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Continue execution after recovered panic without knowing which function might panic

I was referred to this question: Program recovered from panic does not exit as expected It works fine but it relies on knowing where the panic occurs in order to place the deferred function. My code ...
pigfox's user avatar
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Why golang can not recover from a panic in a function called by the defer function [duplicate]

package main import "fmt" func myRecover() { if r := recover(); r != nil { fmt.Println(r) } } func main() { defer func() { myRecover() }() panic("...
Wang Honghui's user avatar
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CS50 recover - recovered image does not match

I am in week 4 in CS50 course and I'm having problems with recover. My code recovers 50 jpgs that look right to me, and I can't find my mistake and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. When I use ...
kali's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Recover permanently deleted folder - git project

I had checkout a specific branch on git where I was working. Each time I made some changes, I committed and push them using the command: git push origin HEAD:master Today, I deleted the project I was ...
George Perid's user avatar
2 votes
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Are the sign/recover function of web3js and solidity (not) interchangeable?

I'm trying to verify a signature created with web3js in Solidity, but do not get the correct signer. In web3js: var address = '0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4'; // == msg.sender var ...
Patrick's user avatar
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CAN bus doesnt recover after reset

I'm running my script on Nvidia Xavier #!/bin/bash sudo /sbin/ip link set can0 down sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303000 32 0x0000C400 sudo busybox devmem 0x0c303008 32 0x0000C458 sudo busybox devmem ...
Taio pepe's user avatar
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CS50 Recover produces "recover" file when compiling recover.c

There is no logical errors with my code, but when I compile recover.c, a file called "recover" is produced, and when I give the command "./recover card.raw", it returns nothing to ...
oxolane's user avatar
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Sequelize Init restore deleted files

I ran sequelize init --force command. And my models were deleted. How do I recover files from this command? They are not even in the trash bin... :( I tried to use CTRL+Z, but nothing works. I am ...
Victor's user avatar
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Qt creator deleted files and is unrecoverable

I had a code which Qt deleted it by itself, now I cant recover it even with data recovery programs. I dont know if qt caches codes anywhere or saves history of them, also i ran it couple of times so ...
migmig738673's user avatar
1 vote
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Accidently deleted every file in Vs Code while trying to push to git, any way to recover them? [duplicate]

I am a complete noob so while trying to deploy one of my programs to heroku, I needed to push it to github, in Vscode while trying to do that, I got a whole bunch of files that I didn't want to upload ...
Nun Matters's user avatar
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Is it possible to recover a deleted file from a project written in Spyder 5.1.5?

I would like to hear that for the Spyder 5.1.5 version is now it possible to recover an accidentally deleted files from a project. If it is, I would really appreciate how to do it because I am pretty ...
luis medina's user avatar
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Recovering "raw" history from current bash session

I managed to truncate my bash history file to 500 entries by running a shell that didn't have any of my configuration (it was vanilla). I realized this about 300 commands too late, but luckily I had a ...
precompute's user avatar

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