I have a function which simulates a stochastic differential equation. Currently, without stochastic noise, my invokation of simulating the process up to time t looks like this (and, yeah, I need to use jax):

def evolve(u, t):
    # return u + dt * b(t, u) + sigma(t, u) * sqrt_dt * noise

def simulate(x, t):
    k = jax.numpy.floor(t / dt).astype(int)
    u = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, k, lambda i, u : evolve(u, i * dt), u)

Now, the pain comes with the noise. I'm a C++-guy who only occasionally needs to use Python for research/scientific work. And I really don't understand how I need (or should) implement PRNG splitting here. I guess I would change evolve to

def evolve(u, t, key):
    noise = jax.random.multivariate_normal(key, jax.numpy.zeros(d), covariance_matrix, shape = (n,))
    # return u + dt * b(t, u) + sigma(t, u) * sqrt_dt * noise

But that will not work properly I guess. If I got it right, I need to use jax.random.split to split the key. Cause if I don't, I end up with correlated samples. But how and where do I need to split?

Also: I guess I would need to modify simulate to def simulate(x, t, key). But then, should simulate also return the modified key?

And to make it even more complicated: I actually wrap simulate into a batch_simulate function which uses jax.vmap to process a whole batch of x's and t's. How do I pass the PRNG to that batch_simulate function, how do I pass it (and broadcast it) to jax.vmap and what should batch_forward return? At first glance, it seems to me that it would take a single PRNG and split it into many (due to the vmap). But what does the caller of batch_forward do then ...

Completely lost on this. Any help is highly appreciated!

1 Answer 1


If I understand your setup correctly, you should make both evolve and simulate accept a key, and within simulate, use fold_in to generate unique keys for the loop:

def evolve(u, t, key):

def simulate(x, t, key):
    k = jax.numpy.floor(t / dt).astype(int)
    u = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, k, lambda i, u : evolve(u, i * dt, jax.random.fold_in(key, i)), u)

Then if you want to vmap over simulate, you can split the key and map over it:

x_batch = ...  # your batched x inputs
t_batch = ...  # your batched t inputs
key_batch = jax.random.split(key, x_batch.shape[0])

batch_result = jax.vmap(simulate)(x_batch, t_batch, key_batch)
  • Thank you for your answer! So I don't need to update the key "inside" the loop? This is done (somehow) by fori_loop and fold_in automatically?
    – 0xbadf00d
    Commented Nov 30 at 9:14
  • I'm not sure I understand your question, but fold_in is used inside the fori_loop in order to create a new independent key at each iteration. Does that make sense?
    – jakevdp
    Commented Nov 30 at 13:26
  • What I mean is: I pass a key to simulate. Then we use jax.random.fold_in(key, i). Now what does the caller of simulate do? What happens if he uses jax.random.fold_in(key, i) again in another method? Does he need to split the key before? Also: What do we do with the return value of jax.random.fold_in? Don't we need to return that to the caller of simulate. Everything what you also wrote here is pretty clear to me, but I don't understand how the story goes on from there. How we should proceed with the keys etc.
    – 0xbadf00d
    Commented Dec 1 at 14:49
  • The caller of simulate is responsible for only using the key once. The return value of jax.random.fold_in is already used within the function, so there's nothing more that needs to be done with it.
    – jakevdp
    Commented Dec 1 at 17:05

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