I am completely new to 11ty and I am trying to add sass to the project I have created. I have followed a tutorial and my project structure is as follows:
- src
- assets
- styles
- sass
- < folders with partials >
- main.sass
- sass
- styles
- index.html
- assets
In the tutorial it said to create a .eleventy.js file, to which I have added the following content:
const sass = require('sass'); // `npm install node-sass`
const path = require("path");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// Recognize Sass as a "template languages"
// Compile Sass
eleventyConfig.addExtension("sass", {
outputFileExtension: "css",
compile: async function (inputContent, inputPath) {
// Skip files like _fileName.scss
let parsed = path.parse(inputPath);
if (parsed.name.startsWith("_")) {
// Run file content through Sass
let result = sass.compileString(inputContent, {
loadPaths: [parsed.dir || "."],
sourceMap: false, // or true, your choice!
// Allow included files from @use or @import to
// trigger rebuilds when using --incremental
this.addDependencies(inputPath, result.loadedUrls);
return async () => {
return result.css;
return {
dir: {
input: "src",
includes: "_includes",
output: "_site"
templateFormats: ["html", "md", "njk"],
htmlTemplateEngine: "njk",
markdownTemplateEngine: "njk",
dataTemplateEngine: "njk"
With this configuration I get the following error:
[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)
[11ty] 1. Having trouble rendering sass template ./src/assets/styles/sass/main.sass (via TemplateContentRenderError)
[11ty] 2. Having trouble compiling template ./src/assets/styles/sass/main.sass (via TemplateContentCompileError)
[11ty] 3. expected ";".
[11ty] ╷
[11ty] 1 │ @import "utilities/fonts"
[11ty] │ ^
[11ty] ╵
[11ty] - 1:26 root stylesheet (via Error)
[11ty] Original error stack trace: Error: expected ";".
I cannot understand this error. As far as I know, .sass files syntax does not include semicolons, and I copypasted the sass files I had in a vite project that worked perfectly. What should I do?
I added semicolons to the main.sass file to see if it was just a unique case of it, but it asks me to use semicolon in all the files. Also, I have reviewed the sass documentation and it appears that the compileString() function expects SCSS.
Also, I want to make use of @import to achieve a better structure. I've also tried to change to scss syntax. In this case npm start does not return errors, but in the folder of my generated site (_site) there is no css file generated. Styles are not applied and I get the following error on the console:
The resource "http://localhost:8081/assets/scripts/main.js" has been blocked due to a MIME type error ("text/html").
This is the tutorial I followed: