I wanted to create an app to download ms store app, it ran fine untill today now when i try to open the site (https://apps.microsoft.com/) pyqt5 window crashes and it shows 'Segmentation fault', when i try to load pages like microsoft.com or google.com it works fine it crashes when i search for an app in microsoft.com and the page returns a url which starts with 'https://apps.microsoft.com/...' it crashes with the 'Segmentation fault' error
# importing required libraries
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import *
import os
import sys
# creating main window class
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
# constructor
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# creating a QWebEngineView
self.browser = QWebEngineView()
self.browser.setUrl(QUrl("https://apps.microsoft.com/")) #if you change this to something like google.com or microsoft.com it works fine but when you try to access a site that starts with something like this you get error
# adding action when url get changed
# adding action when loading is finished
# set this browser as central widget or main window
# creating a status bar object
self.status = QStatusBar()
# adding status bar to the main window
# creating QToolBar for navigation
navtb = QToolBar("Navigation")
# adding this tool bar tot he main window
# adding actions to the tool bar
# creating a action for back
back_btn = QAction("Back", self)
# setting status tip
back_btn.setStatusTip("Back to previous page")
# adding action to the back button
# making browser go back
# adding this action to tool bar
# similarly for forward action
next_btn = QAction("Forward", self)
next_btn.setStatusTip("Forward to next page")
# adding action to the next button
# making browser go forward
# similarly for reload action
reload_btn = QAction("Reload", self)
reload_btn.setStatusTip("Reload page")
# adding action to the reload button
# making browser to reload
# similarly for home action
home_btn = QAction("Home", self)
home_btn.setStatusTip("Go home")
# adding a separator in the tool bar
# creating a line edit for the url
self.urlbar = QLineEdit()
# adding action when return key is pressed
# adding this to the tool bar
# adding stop action to the tool bar
stop_btn = QAction("Stop", self)
stop_btn.setStatusTip("Stop loading current page")
# adding action to the stop button
# making browser to stop
# showing all the components
# method for updating the title of the window
def update_title(self):
title = self.browser.page().title()
self.setWindowTitle("% s - Geek Browser" % title)
# method called by the home action
def navigate_home(self):
# open the google
# method called by the line edit when return key is pressed
def navigate_to_url(self):
# getting url and converting it to QUrl object
q = QUrl(self.urlbar.text())
# if url is scheme is blank
if q.scheme() == "":
# set url scheme to html
# set the url to the browser
# method for updating url
# this method is called by the QWebEngineView object
def update_urlbar(self, q):
# setting text to the url bar
# setting cursor position of the url bar
# creating a pyQt5 application
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# setting name to the application
app.setApplicationName("Geek Browser")
# creating a main window object
window = MainWindow()
# loop
i basically cloned the geeksforgeeks simple browser (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/creating-a-simple-browser-using-pyqt5/) and made changes to it so this also behaves the same also i think microsoft made some changes to site as it worked fine yesterday.
can someone help me solve this i wanted to get url of app from the site.