I have a component including shaka player that I want to test with react test library which is based on jest.


When running a test on this component, if I make a simplistic test async like this:

  it( 'includes a Init button', async () => {
    const { getByText } = render( <Home/> )
    await waitFor( () =>
      expect( getByText( /Init/i ) ).toBeVisible()
  } )

Then shaka player is causing the test to fail:

    EmeEncryptionSchemePolyfill: EME not found

      at es (node_modules/shaka-player-react/dist/cjs.js:854:374)

    McEncryptionSchemePolyfill: MediaCapabilities not found

      at ns (node_modules/shaka-player-react/dist/cjs.js:859:230)

this.target.addEventListener is not a function
TypeError: this.target.addEventListener is not a function
    at new Qc (/Users/Ludo/dev/xxx/saas/xxx/webapp/node_modules/shaka-player-react/dist/cjs.js:228:473)

The blocking point is this exception: this.target.addEventListener is not a function

It's because the player is in jest which includes a headless brother. Does someone know how to make shaka player not explode in this test environment?

  • Hello! Did you ever get through this?
    – Marcox
    Commented Aug 23 at 21:37
  • @Marcox yes I completely mocked ShakaPlayer
    – unludo
    Commented Oct 7 at 16:27


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