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PreBuffer only 1 sec of Video in HLS

I am using two different Video on Demand (VOD) Streaming Services GCore & Mux, both of which output *.m3u8 HLS playlists for different resolutions and segments. To play these videos, I am using ...
Abdul Jabbar's user avatar
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Shaka-Player - HLS FairPlay license not fetched

I'm using shaka-player (@4.10) and I'm trying to play a stream on Safari with my Mac. I've configured the player as following : const certificateUri = ''; const streamUri = ''; const licenseUri = ''; ...
Hugo H's user avatar
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Shaka-Player - Get DASH manifest periods and current period

I'm currently using shaka-player v4.10.4 and I would like to know how is it possible to get the list of periods contained in the DASH manifest and also get the current period played by the player. ...
Hugo H's user avatar
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Combining MPD files shaving milliseconds from the videos

I'm combining multiple MPD files into one so that I can play it in Shaka Player seamlessly. This is being done as follows : const fs = require("node:fs/promises"); const fsync = require(&...
Smriti Sivakumar's user avatar
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How to check if browser support stream HEVC by Javascript

My app use Javascript and shaka player to play video stream (live and VOD). We intent to use HEVC stream (h.265), but as I see this is new so not much browser support.
vanminhquangtri's user avatar
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Cant use player.attach for playing the next video while creating the functionality for playing the next video

function Shaka({ videoData, getNextEpisodeId = () => {} }) { const videRef = useRef(null); const [player, setPlayer] = useState(null); async function init(videoData) { const player = new Shaka....
hoichoi dev's user avatar
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control wowza next segment https scheme

We have a wowza server in a google-cloud run docker container. The cloud run docker container has a Load balancer that accepts https connections then terminates TLS, then contacts the wowza server on ...
giggles's user avatar
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Integrate Shaka player into web application via webpack config

I have an existing typescript application with Shaka 3.2.1 integration. Now I am facing some issue with subtitle, so I want to use the uncompiled version of shaka and edit the library. From Shaka ...
Akhil's user avatar
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Why does this m3u8 list cannot be played by shaka player?

It's a protected m3u8 file, I provided its corresponding key id and key to Shaka Player but cannot be played. Index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="...
daego's user avatar
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Chromecast DAI stream doesn't start sometimes with the error

We have an app with casting functionality for Google DAI stream. It works fine mainly, but recently, we started getting complaints that the stream doesn't start sometimes. The problem is that we didn'...
Sergnsk's user avatar
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Jumping forward x seconds because of gap starting at y and ending at z with video encoded by AWS MediaConvert

I have a strange issue with converted and packaged files from AWS MediaConvert. I have a workflow, which I upload any media to an S3 bucket. Next a Lambda Script hands over the files to MediaConvert. ...
complex1984's user avatar
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How to stream private media blob from azure blob storage without using a SAS url or sas token using shaka player

good day. Is it possible to access a private blob from azure storage without using a SAS url or SAS token to stream it on the shaka player? The shaka player keeps throwing error like this: enter image ...
mrpm's user avatar
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How to disable PictureInPicture in shaka player

I am using shaka player to play video, I am getting picture in picture option on menu items along with quality, language and playback speed I want to disable picture in picture from list I tried to ...
Vicky Kumar's user avatar
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Having problems compiling shaka player

[WARNING] No changes detected, skipping. Use --force to override. [INFO] Generating Closure dependencies... [INFO] Linting JavaScript... [ERROR] *** A required dependency is missing: C:\Program Files\...
Rahmat Haidari's user avatar
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Not able to play H265 stream with DRM on chrome

Integrated shaka-player for HEVC/H.265 and drm encrypted videos which works fine on safari but on chrome video is not playing(HEVC/H.265 when DRM encrypted) I can check in
Vicky Kumar's user avatar
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Switch between two videos stacked upon one another without restarting the video in reactJS

I am trying to create a video switch which shows the difference between two videos (Original and Processed Video). Currently I have two video players (VideoJS and Shaka Player) to play the original ...
Shri Hari's user avatar
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Shaka Player does not trigger "error listener"

I am using ShakaPlayer in my WebOS Project. I implemented same thing in the documentation,like the one below. player.addEventListener('error', function(event){ console.log("errror",event)...
Mustaqeem Sopee's user avatar
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Implementing Shaka Player with Fairplay with Azure DRM service

I have initialise shaka player with all necessary DRM configuration of fairplay. But I am not unable to load audio. I was to able integrate widevine and able to play it. No error is been shown and ...
Parth Sheth's user avatar
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Chromecast Shaka player duplicate licences

Our license server enables the JWT JTI key for anti-replays, on our chomecast we see the device is requesting the license more than twice ( if it was twice I could look at maybe the first request is ...
krt's user avatar
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How to use React Component as custom control in Shaka Player?

I have a custom Shaka Player implemented with custom controls. Current controls are pure DOM elements, and I want to use React components instead. How do I achieve the same
Debjit Sinha's user avatar
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How to detect SCTE35 in HLS live stream in Shaka Player

I am using Shaka Player with mux.js to play HLS live streams. I want to detect SCTE35 when they are added to the stream. Can we add any event listener for the the same?
Debjit Sinha's user avatar
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How to import Shaka player with typescript

I hope my question doesn't seem silly, but I'm facing some issues when importing Shaka player in a typescript module like this: import shaka from 'shaka-player/dist/shaka-player.ui'; In this case the ...
Trabelsi Mohamed Hedi's user avatar
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how to stream a video using MPEG-DASH in GOLANG?

I have a go HTTP server and a video tag in /watch.html. How can I stream a video using MPEG-DASH when someone visits the watch page and display the video using Shaka Player in the browser?
Navspace's user avatar
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Playing two different ads with IMA and Shaka Player

I have a simple setup where I have two buttons and a <video> element. I am using Shaka player to play an adaptive DASH file. I am also using Google's IMA Ads SDK to play ads along with the video....
chochim's user avatar
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Bash command run from a variable - Shaka packaging problem

I am trying to package some videos on an ubuntu-ec2 machine using shaka packager and following official tutorial. So I have a list of multi resolution files i.e. original=x.mp4, converted are x_480p....
ashraf minhaj's user avatar
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Shaka Player: Let users choose language track

I am adapting Shaka player to our website and got stuck in the following: When I play my sample video in the appspot demo, I see the buttons to change language and resolution: When I follow the ...
Michael G's user avatar
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How to override Shaka player version using new API released March 31, 2022?

Google released new version CAST SDK March 31, 2022 with ability for overriding Shaka Player version (as release notes said :) ) but it didn't provide documentation how to set the Shaka Player version ...
Ihar Katkavets's user avatar
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DRM video doesn`t in google cast web receiver (CAF)

I am experiencing a problem when working with CAST web receiver. DRM Video does not start on the TV (Android TV). Preloader works endlessly. How to solve this problem? The title and description in the ...
Алексей Обронов's user avatar
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Shaka packager with hls and dolby vision

I have an mp4 with Dolby Vision that I am trying to create an HLS stream out of. To do so I am passing this mp4 to shaka packager like so: packager in=dolby-vision-amaze.mp4,stream=video,...
goodkid38's user avatar
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Shaka Player is showing error Shaka Error MANIFEST.HLS_AES_128_ENCRYPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED

I have intergrated Google Shaka Player in my project for DRM/Non DRM videos. Js Used Its showing this error Shaka ...
AnjuSharma's user avatar
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Even if my Azure widevine license has expired, I can still play content

Azure Media Service is used to deliver widevine license, I used shaka-packager with key-id and key-value get from license to package and encrypt video, and output two types of files, MPD, and MP4 ...
Mohamed Okasha's user avatar
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FFMPEG - how to stream video directly to HLS

We need to get video file/data as a stream from the user or from a caller to our API and while processing it we need to generate live stream using HLS FFMPEG support creating live stream in HLS format ...
Maayan Hope's user avatar
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Shaka Player does not adapt bitrate

We're using Shaka player with the default configuration and it's good - but I'm not seeing any adaption into lower bitrates and still seeing buffering. We're also getting a pause at the start where it ...
beek's user avatar
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How to include custom headers in manifest request made by Shaka Player?

Thank you so much for taking your time and reply. Lets say I have to play live stream with the following requirements; How can I make a working Player for a browser? Manifest URL = "https://live-...
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One video variant on MPEG DASH generated with AWS MediaConverter

I've produced an.MDP using MediaConverter, which has the following video streams <AdaptationSet mimeType="video/mp4" frameRate="30/1" segmentAlignment="true" ...
beek's user avatar
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Shaka player failing tests with jest

I have a component including shaka player that I want to test with react test library which is based on jest. ... <ShakaPlayer autoPlay src="http://xxxx/bbb/default/...
unludo's user avatar
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How to use Shaka packager with python sub-process call? I am getting this error Invalid stream descriptors name/value pairs:

I am a newbie trying to use Shaka packager for a new app I am working on, I can't make it to work, it's throwing out this error Invalid stream descriptors name/value pairs: which I am not able to ...
prehistoricbeast's user avatar
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How to Make Shaka Player Compatible with react Native?

I am working on React-Native application. i want to implement shaka player in react-native. any solution?
ViShU's user avatar
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Can Shaka packager SDK read input directly from a memory buffer?

I'm writing a media processing application using Shaka packager SDK (not the default packager program), basically I'm wrapping up the packager (Shaka::Packager packager;) inside a wrapper application ...
maxutility2011's user avatar
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Create a widevine license proxy server using NodeJS

I am using Shaka Player for media streaming dash DRM-protected content on our site. I want to create a proxy server between the client and the original license request so that all the license requests ...
Rohan Gupta's user avatar
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Whats the quickest way to iterate through failed Bull.js jobs and delete them properly?

I have a problem with my video upload pipeline getting stalled and users looking at a "waiting" notification all the time. It is a video upload pipeline that converts the videos with ffmpeg ...
lovgrandma's user avatar
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Use Shaka player to display WebVTT captions or subtitles

I am using Shaka player to play HLS/DASH videos which works well. I also have captions/subtitles as WebVTT files which are not referenced in the HLS/DASH manifests and are currently being loaded using ...
coder_uk's user avatar
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How to use custom video control components like play, pause, mute etc on shaka player?

I am using the latest version(3.2.0) of shaka player on my react project. I am currently trying to hide the UI controls on shaka player and trying to use custom components like trickplay, play, pause, ...
user11199637's user avatar
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Shaka player - HTMLMediaElement is not defined

When I installed shaka player in Nuxt and mode: universal, I received this error: In spa mode shaka is working but in universal it doesn't work. Thanks to the answer, the issue was solved with the ...
Iman's user avatar
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WebOS (LG TV): difference between running a hosted web app and opening the same web app in the browser

I have written a web app for DRM protected playback, using Shaka Player, and I am wondering if I can have testers simply open it in the browser, without me having to package it, and them having to ...
Gil's user avatar
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how can I add subtitles using shaka-player from a .mpd file?

I'm using the shaka player with the below build. I'm using a .mpd file and it has a subtitle file. <AdaptationSet ...
Nimasha Jayathunga's user avatar
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Shaka Player - Get Widevine License URL

I want to play DASH file in Shaka Player with help of Widevine DRM. And for this, i want to make XHR request to get Widevine License URL and then give that license URL to Shaka Player so it can play ...
jay.jivani's user avatar
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Is there a way that we can display seekbar above shaka control panel

I am new to Shakaplayer.Is there any way that we can display Shakaplayer range container above Shaka controls panel ? I want to display/position the seek bar above the control panel elements in ...
user5390's user avatar
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FFMPEG/DASH-LL creates audio and video chunks at different rates; player is confused (404 errors)

I'm trying to create a MPEG-DASH "live" stream from a static file to test various low latency modes. The DASH muxer in FFmpeg creates two AdaptationSets, one for video chunks and one for ...
Danny's user avatar
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Wrap shaka-player in AngularJS directive not working ( is not a function)

I want to wrap the shaka-player example in an AngularJS directive. The example player works fine on its own and can play the MPEG-DASH version of Big Buck Bunny hosted on Akamai's CDN. However, when ...
Danny's user avatar
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