i am new to php, but im trying. i need you guys help. i have the following url in the browser address bar www.dome.com\mypage.php?stu=12234342 i am trying to pass the url from the main page to the select case page call select.php if i should echo the url i get www.dome.com\select.php. so i have decided to echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] instead, this gives me the correct url. how can i echo the variable from www.dome.com\mypage.php?stu=12234342 (12234342) unto select.php. select.php contains code that needs the $var stu=12234342 in order to display the correct message.

$request_url=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ; // takes the url from the browers echo $request_url;

$cOption = $_GET['id'];

switch($cOption) {
    case 1:
    echo ' some text';
    case 2:
    echo ' this page.php';

    case 3:
    echo 'got it'; 
        echo 'Whoops, didn\'t understand that option: <i>'.$cOption.'</i>';


  • You should also research XSS, as you have a vulnerability there.
    – alex
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 1:41

3 Answers 3


You may use parse_url() and parse_string() to grab the variable from a url:


//assuming www.dome.com/mypage.php?stu=12234342;

//parse the url to get the query_string-part

//create variables from the query_string
  parse_str($parsed_url['query'], $unsafe_vars);

//use the variables
  echo $unsafe_vars['stu'];//outputs 12234342

But note: you can't rely on the availability of HTTP_REFERER.

  • is this approach unsafe if yes, why?
    – user836910
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 2:10
  • variables coming from outside of PHP are always unsafe, for example the echoing of the variable will open doors for XSS
    – Dr.Molle
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 7:14


echo $_GET['stu'];

on select.php

  • tried it and it came back as undefined, so i echo the url and got select.php. if i load the page separately nothing shows, its has if it's not seeing the url in the broswer
    – user836910
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 1:51
  • what is the version of your PHP installation? If its archaic :) then probably you have $HTTP_GET_VARS instead of $_GET.
    – Gelmir
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 2:43

That's why you need to call the select.php file like this: www.dome.com/select.php?stu=12234342

and then you can add:

echo $_GET['stu'];

By the way, you need to research about XSS, because that's a huge vulnerability.

  • XSS is indeed dangerous, but what has it to do with QUERY_STRING?! Isn't it related to Cookies mostly?
    – Gelmir
    Commented Jul 12, 2011 at 2:42
  • Not only for cookies, it's also related to RFI, and many more vulns that may affect for a simple misuse of the $_GET and $_POST vars, rule 1) Never trust user input. :)
    – Alfrekjv
    Commented Aug 6, 2011 at 16:28

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