I m in a situation where i am redirecting user to another page with following jQuery code

window.location = "/#/customer/email?isEmail=true&eid=1&template=2";

i have some url re-writing , and so complete url becomes is


but in PHP when i try to get full page url using this


it just gives me this


i just want to get variable IsEmail


value in PHP page,

I think the


in between the URL is creating the problem, is there any way to get it, please advise..

  • maybe try using substr us3.php.net/substr Commented Nov 22, 2013 at 4:21
  • @cook that won't work if PHP doesn't have a value to use for substr.
    – Class
    Commented Nov 22, 2013 at 4:27

2 Answers 2


The fragment is never sent to the server, so if you want access to the query parameters you need to bring them forward:

                    ^                             ^
                    query                         fragment

The anchor fragment portion of the URL (anything after #) isn't sent to the server at all. It only lives client-side. The server has no knowledge of it, and therefore PHP has no knowledge of it.

If you want to do anything with the anchor fragment, you must do it client-side.

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