Does anyone have an example for using multiple canvas in the same page?
I have something like this in the HTML:
<div style="height: 138px" *ngFor="let item of listItems; let i = index">
<canvas #pieCanvas id="pieCanvas{{i}}" style="width: 100px !important; height: 100px !important"></canvas>
In the .ts file:
@ViewChild("pieCanvas") pieCanvas: ElementRef;
for (var j = 0; j < chartcount; j++)
let htmlRef = document.getElementById('pieCanvas'+j);
this.pieCanvas = new Chart(htmlRef, piechartdata);
Getting always null
is not an object (evaluating 'item.length
') error.
With only one chart it works perfect, but there I use sth. like
this.barCanvas = new Chart(this.barCanvas.nativeElement......
I Googled, but couldn't find a solution.
Thanks for your help!