I'm creating button from code c#:
Button btnAddCalculation = new Button();
btnAddCalculation.ID = "btnAddCalculation";
btnAddCalculation.Text = "Add count";
btnAddCalculation.SkinID = "middleButton";
btnAddCalculation.Visible = true;
string sPath = String.Format(
// btnAddCalculation.Attributes.Add("onclick", @"window.open('InformationAboutAddAddr.aspx', '_blank', 'location=yes,height=500,width=450,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');");
btnAddCalculation.Click += new EventHandler(btnClick_cl);
btnAddCalculation.OnClientClick = clsCommonHelper.sGetWindowOpen(sPath, 1100, 500) + "return false;";
public static string sGetWindowOpen(string sLink, int iWidth, int iHeight)
return "javascript:setTimeout(function(){ WindowOpen('" + sLink + "', " + iWidth + ", " + iHeight + "); }, 100); ";
but in the client side the function OnClientClick does not work, when I click nothing happens. What Did I do wrong???
Generated HTML:
<input type="submit" name="ctl00$ctl00$Main$EditorMain$tabTabContainer$ctl00$Attr433$btnAddCalculation"
value="Add count"
disabled="disabled" class="blue_button" />
or whether another type is a better fit. This might be connected to the original problem. Maybe some JavaScript disables the submit button because the form is not valid yet. Depending on the selector, this might lead to all inputs of type submit being disabled.