i have developed a complete Airstrike Multiplayer game in unity using Unity Multiplayer Services. It's connecting successfully on LAN and i even checked on internet, it's working fine within my city using Matchmaking services.

Now, the problem is when i try to connect the game between two different countries, it does not show anything.

  1. How can i run the multiplayer part globally using Unity Matchmaking Services ?
  2. Is there something that needs to be changed here ? (This is my Network lobby manager):

enter image description here

1 Answer 1



As per the answer in the link above:


We have 3 data centers right now, with plans for more going forward. When you use the default URL, you'll connect to the most local data center to you geographically. This is to minimize latency in multiplayer games.

In this case you're connecting to EU and your coworker is connecting to US. Data centers are siloed from each other with respect to match enumeration, so you wouldnt see each other's games.

You can force a connection however directly to the data center of your choice. Here's the list of current URLs to do so:

EU: eu1-mm.unet.unity3d.com US: us1-mm.unet.unity3d.com AP: ap1-mm.unet.unity3d.com

So it would appear that using this solution you would need to force a certain server for it to work globally, for example the European one, or somehow connect them differently.

There might be another solution, but at least this should work for testing.

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