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Try to sync Lists between Clients and Client/Host

I'm using Unity and Netcode for Game Objects. I want to create my own Cardgame, so I want to have a synced Cardlist which is controlled over the Server/Host. To get started, I wanted to synchronize a ...
Twonk's user avatar
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2 answers

Untiy Netcode For GameObject unable to connect to remote server

I am recently trying out the new unity networking solution which is netcode for gameobjects . In Unity using netcode for gameobjects i tried making a simple game which consist of a server and clients ...
Sekhar JD's user avatar
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Unity3d and Photon: Mouse controller script causing unintended behavior with multiplayer mouse inputs

I am relatively new to C# and PUN but I felt like giving it a shot. Unfortunately, I am currently having an error that I can't seem to fix no matter what I do! I am making a 3D top down game where the ...
David Fusco's user avatar
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Network Client use wrong input devices when using Unity.Netcode with Starter Asset Controller (New input system)

The server is always using Keyboard and Mouse just fine. The client however always use "xbox controller" instead of Keyboard & Mouse: The following is the inspector view as a client: ...
HardcoreGamer's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there any way to make a multiplayer game in unity completely free?

Hello so am wondering if there is any way to create a multiplayer game completely free, Like I followed Brackeys tutorials using UNet to create a multiplayer game, I followed the whole tutorials till ...
dyari's user avatar
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uNet to Mirror Migration (2 errors)

I have two problems to solve. The first is error CS0115: 'NetworkManagerSample.OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection)': no suitable method found to override And the second is The type or namespace name ...
Кирилл Купряхин's user avatar
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How would I spawn a different prefab for a local client and a remote client in Unity with MLAPI?

Sorry if this is a duplicate question. I found this Reddit post which is exactly my current problem. However, there's only one ...
circles.png's user avatar
1 vote
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Unity Multiplayer MLAPI Could not get NetworkObject for the NetworkBehaviour

For my PlayerController script, I changed inheriting from MonoBehaviour to NetworkBehaviour public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { From this, to this: public class PlayerController : ...
John's user avatar
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Unity Mirror; Spawn different Player Prefabs

Hi I`m making a multiplayer car game using Mirror. Every Time Player one chooses his character everything works fine. When Player two chooses his character he gets only the same character like the ...
Eisbaer 1832's user avatar
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Syncronize player position in unity (Mirror)

Goal: Syncronize player position in a multiplayer game in Unity that uses the Mirror Networking API Problem: Using the NetworkTransform component the position seems to not be precisely syncronized, ...
gNt's user avatar
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2 answers

MLAPI NetworkVariable not syncing on clients

I'm making an online multiplayer game with Unity and MLAPI. I wrote the script below and placed it in my scene, meaning each client and server should run it when a scene loads. The server is supposed ...
xjcl's user avatar
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Client disconnect when shooting in Unity (Mirror)

I am making an online multiplayer game in Unity with Mirror Networking. In this script I am trying to shoot a bullet by calling, from the client, a command on the server ( CmdFire() ) that instantiate ...
gNt's user avatar
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Scene management using unity MLAPI (Multiplayer)

I was reading up on the unity MLAPI and read in the documentation that basic scene management is offered. However as far as I ...
Mark Stroeven's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use Unity MLAPI to do high frequency broadcasting?

My Unity project is using MLAPI framework(UNet Transport). I have a server and 3 clients. Server needs to send RPC message to all clients every frame. The data flow is about 2KB/frame for each client. ...
jQ Goo's user avatar
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Missing something important with ClientRpc (Unity Mirror)

I'm having an issue with ClientRpc never being called any client objects. I've trolled the internet for hours, but I can't find any clues as to why my implementation isn't working. I'm following an ...
theseal53's user avatar
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GameObject.Find not working on Player in DontDestroyOnLoad

The Player Object with script GamePlayerManager is set up by the NetworkLobbyManager when creating the GameScene after Lobby using var conn = RoomPlayers[i].connectionToClient; var gameplayerInstance =...
Simon Trakis's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Mirror/UNET c# - No authority on object even when using Command & ClientRpc - What am I missing?

Long story: I have made a multiplayer chat using Mirror/Unet that works. I have made it so after x number of seconds, the gameobject that displays the chat (“textContainer”) goes inactive. I would ...
turbo100's user avatar
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Node Mobility in Unetstack V 3.1.0

I am trying to simulate a node moving with circular trajectory, which is receiving data from 4 stationary nodes. The simulation is working fine on the older version (1.6), however it is not working on ...
kartik's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Enabling Multiplayer Service in Unity [closed]

Can anyone provide me the solution of how to overcome the event in the black label in the given image?? Here I want to remove the pop-up:- "UNet-powered features are in the process of being ...
Akshit Giroud's user avatar
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3 answers

Unity/Mirror networking no client sync

Goal: Object interact-able by both players and its position and rotation is synced(LAN). Scene setup : simple scene similar to pong example in mirror,when both players are spawned a cube is spawned ...
sparkblack's user avatar
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Exception in OnStartServer:Object reference not set to an instance of an object

public class GameControl : NetworkBehaviour { public GameObject localPlayer; [TargetRpc] public void TargetGetLocalPlayer(NetworkConnection conn) { localPlayer = ...
AmirWG's user avatar
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cannot spawn a game object with client authority

I have a command which exists on the player prefab which basically spawns objects on the server from the client [Command] void CmdSpawnObjectWithAuthority(GameObject spawned) { NetworkServer....
AmirWG's user avatar
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Unity Mirror Networking Object not move on client

i´m work on a networked game and stuck on an problem with the instantiation or NetworkSpawn of an bullet. If the hostplayer/server "fires" the bullet is spaned, synced and flys all the way ...
Zyrano's user avatar
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How to make Unity Tilemap.SetTile() to work in multiplayer?

I'm trying to make 2D-multiplayer game with randomly generated map. Here's some simplified code what I have tried public class Map : NetworkBehaviour { private TilePainter _tilePainter; [...
shklaurant's user avatar
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Difficulty connecting two Hololens with Unet

I am relatively new to Unity and am currently trying to build an multi-user app on Hololens. Currently, I am just trying to get two Hololens to connect over LAN using Unet. When I use one of my ...
Jonathan Linathan's user avatar
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Problems with Mirror Networking in Unity

I'm relatively new to Unity, and decided to make a simple multiplayer game. After implementing the multiplayer aspect, two main problems arose. One, every person that joins will have n times the speed ...
Tyler Balota's user avatar
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Unity Networking Scoreboard

I’m currently creating a scoreboard for my multiplayer game. But first I need to list all players in an array. How can I insert each player into an array? On each device it only shows one player. For ...
Rant Max's user avatar
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Unet Syncing animator layer weight Unity 3D

I'm currently working on a multiplayer fps to learn UNET and Unity. in this project I'm using Network Animator Component to sync my animations. I have one layer that runs the normal states like ...
Tarek Auf der Strasse's user avatar
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Shared GameSettings with U-Net

I have a scene where the player has the option to choose settings for the match they are creating (number of rounds, time per round etc..), I also have a utility class MatchSettings that contains all ...
barbecu's user avatar
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Unity VR UNET make PC and VR the same player

Sorry that there is NO CODE to show, but this is a very architectural question. First of all, I have to say that i have to use UNET and yes, I know it is deprecated, but i'm not doing an actual ...
Erez's user avatar
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Can't change the Sprite of a spawned game object (Client only)

I am attempting to instantiate, spawn, then assign a sprite to a custom GameObject in Unity3D. The objects are a generic CardContainer that call a SetCard method to give it its custom stats. Calling ...
john_shreds's user avatar
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Looking at other people cameras in Unity?

I am working on a multiplayer game in unity and i want to add a funcion that let me see at another player's camera trough a small window just like in the game Portal. Is there a way to do this?
Riccardo Colombo's user avatar
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How do you instantiate a game object on client in Unity?

I am currently creating a two-person multiplayer game and have stumbled upon a problem when trying to spawn a game object from the client. In my Defender class I have a function which gets called ...
Martin V's user avatar
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How to make a "Find Match" like Mobile Legends or some other MOBA game?

I'm trying to create a lobby system that will find a match like other MOBA Games. Like when 10 players is finding a match, it will start the game and when there's only 9 players the system will still ...
PrinceZero101's user avatar
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UNET How to run functions on all clients and host

I need help running functions on all clients and the host. I tried the below code but it only worked on the host not on clients. In this code I have made a jump up skill. When players take it, they ...
vNone's user avatar
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Broadcast not received in Client-Unet

I am using unet for client-server communication, when i broadcast a message from server(on PC) to client(on PC) it works fine but when i try the same from server(PC) to client(Hololens emulator) unet ...
Suraksha Ajith's user avatar
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Unity UNET network server not active when hosting a match on built game

I am working on a multiplayer game on Unity using Unet, when i host a match by playing the game on the Unity editor, everything works as intended, but when i host a match on a built game (Running the ...
Riccardo Colombo's user avatar
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Players in network game both spawn as client or server

I am working on a multiplayer game using UNET. Every time i host a match by playing the game in the editor, every player that joins is considered as server and the game works as intended. If i host a ...
Riccardo Colombo's user avatar
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How to add NetworkManager component in unity 2019

After a lot of tutorials of Unet, I'm trying to add networkManager component to an empty object. But I couldn't find it? Is it removed from this version? Hope you give me some advice because I'm ...
Mohammad Abdulsalam's user avatar
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Can't get UNET work between two Devices using the standard NetworkManager(NOT the MatchMaking!) on Unity3D

I am new to UNET UNITY NETWORKING in general so what I made was a simple prototype game and everything works perfectly at least at that moment when I run two instances of the game on the same laptop ...
The Wolf's user avatar
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Unity networking. transform.setparent() not working on a clinet side

I am writing a simple multiplayer board game in Unity. I have the following problem: transport.setparent() not working on a client side. When I launch a game as a server, everything is OK. When I ...
levan's user avatar
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How to Sync variables in Unity3D Networking

Hello Title was too general but I have several problems in my mind. I am new at UnityNetworking. I am watching youtube tutorial from quill18 and trying to implement on my project. So I know [SyncVar] ...
BGK's user avatar
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Unity network transform problem - Client spawning objects at wrong location

I'm working on a Fortnite-esque game for Unity. Player spawns in, has ability to spawn cubes to make a "base". Everything works perfectly well in mono but I'm having a strange issue with ...
pfbarnet's user avatar
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unity alternative to UNET for P2P server

Since UNET will be discontinued in a short time I have my doubt which alternative I can use, since photon does not help me to have a limited number of users since my game the idea is that each user ...
MAGICK's user avatar
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Unity UNET How to change online scene in sync with clients

I'm using the old Unity 2017.3 UNET implementation in my game. Players connect to a server and are placed in a Lobby scene until the party leader selects another level to go to. The implementation ...
Heckman's user avatar
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Multiplayer [SyncEvent] problem with non-player objects

I'm developing a multiplayer game based on turns. So I have an script named gameController which is the one who has the global timer to alter the turns and also choose which players are attacking and ...
ktmlleska's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why can't I try catch a TimeOut error on Unet

I actually use Unet for Unity and when a client try to join using a bad IP, I have a timeOut Error. I would like to avoid this timeOut error. So, I tried to override the "OnDisconnectClient"...
Studio Pie's user avatar
2 votes
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Unity NetworkTransform, force update every Frame?

On a purposed LAN setup, I want Unity's NetworkTransform to simply send every single frame. (Mode is "Sync Transform", not rigidbody, etc.) I'm wondering how to do this .. if you just set ...
Fattie's user avatar
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Have an object moved by a client with a tag

Im trying to make a tetris game, where the host moves his blocks, and the client moves his. Client on the left, host on the right. So the host is suppost the move the object with the "playerObject" ...
Jordy Rutjens's user avatar
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Unet spawnable object delayed on client side

I am making 2D Top-down shooter in network. I spawn a gun on Players hand position. My problem is, when Client spawn his gun, it has some kind of delay. When client is moving, the gun is not following ...
Kiket95's user avatar
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