it is long story but to cut short I need to reset plesk admin password, which you cant reset from forget password to do that, I loged to SSH then I became root - sudo su command then I applied sudo passwd to create root password then to reveal plesk password /usr/local/psa/bin/admin --show-password - nothing happened plesk bin admin --set-admin-password -passwd new_password --nothing happen

I thought connecting via putty to instance as root might help to do that I have to create public key which I did via putty key generator.

I applied ssh-keygen command in SSH I gave a passphrase I got result as Your identification has been saved in root-ssh-key.

here comes the question open putty type ip adress when login as comes I type root then this error comesup Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available ( blablabla ) http://prntscr.com/gzkgbf

so how can I connect via putty as root to instance ???


1 Answer 1


Root and admin passwords are not related: root password is used to access your server over SSH, while admin password is used to access Plesk interface in a browser.

To reset the password for admin user in Plesk web interface, log in as root to the server over SSH and execute this command: plesk bin admin --set-password -passwd *****

replace **** with desired password for Plesk interface.

This way you will be able to login to Plesk at https://yourIPorHostname:8443 under admin user and the password that you have just set.

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