I am trying to make a simple assertion which checks if two values are equal. Can someone please explain the behaviour when I assign two different values to the same variable

logic src_sig ;
logic dest_sig;
logic alt_sig;

assign a = src_sig;
assign a = alt_sig;
assign b = dest_sig;

My assertion sequence is:

sequence check_seq(X,Y);
(X == Y);

And my initial block is:

initial begin

#100 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 1;
dest_sig <=1;
alt_sig <= 0;

#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <=1;
dest_sig <=0;
alt_sig <= 0;

#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 0;
dest_sig <= 0;
alt_sig <= 1;

#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 0;
dest_sig <= 1;
alt_sig <= 1;

#30 $finish;

I was expecting that the second assignment will override the first one OR it would be assigned to both src_sig and alt_sig. So either it should show 2 offences or 4 respectively. But I am getting the following results(3 offences).

"testbench.sv", 31: test.check_assert: started at 103ns failed at 103ns
    Offending '(a == b)'
"testbench.sv", 31: test.check_assert: started at 113ns failed at 113ns
    Offending '(a == b)'
"testbench.sv", 31: test.check_assert: started at 133ns failed at 133ns
    Offending '(a == b)'

Please explain what is happening here?

EDIT:: Complete code

module test_gcc();
logic clk=0; 
logic src_sig,dest_sig,alt_sig;
assign a = src_sig;
assign a = alt_sig;
assign b = dest_sig;
initial begin 
clk = 0;
forever #1 clk=~clk;

sequence check_seq(X,Y);
(X == Y);
property check_connection(M,N);
@(posedge clk)
($rose(M)||$rose(N)||$fell(M)||$fell(N)) |-> check_seq(M,N);
check_assert : assert property (check_connection(a,b));
initial begin

#100 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 1;
dest_sig <=1;
alt_sig <= 0;
#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <=1;
dest_sig <=0;
alt_sig <= 0;

#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 0;
dest_sig <= 0;
alt_sig <= 1;
#10 @ (posedge clk) begin
src_sig <= 0;
dest_sig <= 1;
alt_sig <= 1;
#30 $finish;
  • I have some ideas, but without an MCVE I can't go any further. Please create an MCVE.
    – Matthew
    Commented Jun 14, 2017 at 8:56
  • I have pasted a link. I can post the entire code too if you need it. Thanks for the help.
    – SShankar
    Commented Jun 14, 2017 at 9:09
  • Your problem lies within code that you did not originally post in your question. This is why an MCVE is so valuable. Please edit your question to include all your code.
    – Matthew
    Commented Jun 14, 2017 at 9:44

1 Answer 1


a and b are 1-bit wires, because you have not declared them. (In Verilog/SV, unless you specify default_nettype none then undeclared objects are wires).

If you drive a wire from more than one place then a resolution function is executed in order to evaluate the value on the wire.

In your case, there are two drivers on the wire a - the two assign statements. The initial block ensures that different values are always driven by the two assign statements, so the resolved value on the wire is always 1'bx. The value on wire a never changes.

wire b is driven by only one assign statement. The initial block ensures that it's value changes at 101ns, 111ns and 131ns. The value on wire b does not change at 121ns.

You have written your property so that the condition is only checked if there is a change on either wire a or wire b:

  property check_connection(M,N);
    @(posedge clk)
    ($rose(M)||$rose(N)||$fell(M)||$fell(N)) |-> check_seq(M,N);

wire a never changes and wire b doesn't change at 121ns, so the condition is not checked at 121ns.

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