using WMI with PowerShell I found something I don't understand:

# Syntax 1
gwmi -Class Win32_Share | gm -MemberType Method
Output: Delete, GetAccessMask, SetShareInfo

# Syntax 2
$a = New-Object "System.Management.ManagementClass" "Win32_Share" :
$a | gm -MemberType Method
Output: Create.....

So: why I don't get the "Create" Method using the syntax "1"?

1 Answer 1


Because they return two different types of objects.

(gwmi -Class Win32_Share).GetType()

returns a System.Array instance while

(New-Object "System.Management.ManagementClass" "Win32_Share").GetType()

returns a System.Management.ManagementObject instance

Note that it doesn't make sense to call Create on an already instantiated object anyway, or in other words: why do you think you need it?


Your comment actually made me rethink (finally) and your conondrum is that you should use -query instead of -class. I have yet to figure out what the actual difference between both methods of calling is but I assume it's the same class/instance distinction.

Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __class = 'Win32_Share'"
  • 1
    Hi Lieven, thanks for help. In this case (maybe it's somehow too academic..) the method "create" makes sense since it doesn't create an object itself, but a new share.
    – Purclot
    Commented Sep 27, 2016 at 19:06
  • @Purclot - I have updated the answer to adress your comment. fwiw - using the WMI commandlets is being discouraged in favour of the CIM commandlets. Commented Sep 28, 2016 at 5:42

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