I am trying to get an hdfs location and provide it as email attachment to oozie email action. My hdfs location can be found only using a shell action. Now how can I pass the output of my shell action, which would be the hdfs path to my oozie email action. Can this be achieved using oozie?

<workflow-app name="[WF-DEF-NAME]" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
  <action name="[NODE-NAME]">
    <email xmlns="uri:oozie:email-action:0.2">
    <ok to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
    <error to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
  • or can i send an hdfs file using bash's mail command, without copying it to local? Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 20:58
  • I recently answered a question has to do exactly the same. stackoverflow.com/questions/34943757/submit-pig-job-from-oozie/… Check my update on the answer where I attached a working example, how to capture a shell action output and pass it as a parameter of another action node.
    – kecso
    Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 4:30

1 Answer 1


See my comment, but for others checking this issue, the answer is: Capture the output of the shell action


and pass it as a param for the email action


For detail check the link in my comment.

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