I'm trying to change the "text" type of a input using Twig and Silex but looks that I'm doing something wrong.

This is the basic code I'm doing:

<div class='form-group'>
    {{ form_label("Id") }}
    {{ form_widget("id", { attr: { 'class': 'form-control' }}) }}

I want that this id field be an integer.

1 Answer 1


in Symfony you need to change the type in your formtype:

->add('streetNo', NumberType::class, ['required' => true])

For older versions of Symfony it looks like this:

->add('streetNo','number', ['required' => true])

The twig "doesn't care" about the input type. I would think that it is the same for Silex as it is build on Symfony.

  • Yeah, that's the way. Thanks.
    – Louis B
    Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 12:21

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