I want to display data using chartkick in rails. My data structure is very simple.

    //Table Drinks
    Created_at   Water (in l)    Beer (in l)   Coffee (in l)
    21/02/2016      1                2              1
    20/02/2016      2                1              0
    19/02/2016      2                2              2

I want to draw three line charts. Each line chart should show the days on the x-axis and the amount of liters on the y-axis (one chart for each kind of drink).

I am just too confused to figure out how to do the right queries.

    <%= line_chart ?????????? %>

Here is the link to the chartkick github repo: https://github.com/ankane/chartkick

Any help is very much appreciated!

1 Answer 1


You can use Pluck ActiveRecord function to pluck out data from table in an array. Chartkick supports array as input so it should work fine.


<%= line_chart
{name: "Water", data: Drink.pluck(:created_at,:water)}
{name: "Beer", data: Drink.pluck(:created_at,:beer)}
{name: "Coffee", data: Drink.pluck(:created_at,:coffee)}
  • Unfortunately the code doesn't work. Could you post a solution by using collect/map without pluck?
    – Theo
    Commented Jan 25, 2016 at 18:32

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