I have an array / dictionary of testWords that is pulled from a plist. I want to randomly shuffle them, take a slice of 2 and append that to another words array. For some reason I can't append the testWords to the words array. I also need a version of the random shuffle, select, append for iOS8.
var words: [NSArray]
var testWords: [NSArray]!
let fileName = "level\(levelNumber).plist"
let levelPath = "\(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath!)/\(fileName)"
let levelDictionary: NSDictionary? = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: levelPath)
testWords = levelDictionary!["words"] as! [NSArray]
let shuffledTestWords = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjectsInArray(testWords)
print("testWords after shuffling is \(shuffledTestWords)")
let chosenWords = Array(shuffledTestWords.prefix(2))
The array looks like this in the console:
testWords after shuffling is [(
"drinc drink",
"Which one is right?",
), (
"bank banc",
"Spell this word ending in ' nk '",
), (
"bunk bunc",
"Spell this word ending in ' nk '",
Any ideas on how to append such an array much appreciated! Now answered.