This is my code

class WcfClient {
public $wcfClient = null;
public $user = null;

public function __construct(){
    if(isset($_SESSION['APIClient']) && $_SESSION['APIClient'] != null){
        $this->wcfClient = $_SESSION['APIClient'];

public function __destruct(){

// Authanticate
private function Authenticate(){
    global $_sogh_soapUrl, $_isDebug, $_sogh_header;
    $wcargs = array();
    $consumerAuthTicket = null;
    if($this->wcfClient == null){

        $args = array(
            'clubname'=>'Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks',


            $wcargs = array(

                $wcargs = array(

            // Connect to the API with soapclient
            $soapAPIClient = new SoapClient($_sogh_soapUrl, $wcargs);

            $response = $soapAPIClient->AuthenticateClubConsumer($args);


                if(isset($response->AuthenticateClubConsumerResult->IsException) && $response->AuthenticateClubConsumerResult->IsException == true){
                    // some error occur
                    $this->wcfClient = null;
                    $_SESSION['APIClient'] = $this->wcfClient;
                } else{
                    // set consumer ticket
                    $consumerAuthTicket = $response->AuthenticateClubConsumerResult->Value->AuthTicket;

                    // $loginData = $responseCode->ReturnValueOfConsumerLoginData;

                    $headers = array();
                    $headers[] = new SoapHeader($_sogh_header, "ConsumerAuthTicket", $consumerAuthTicket);

                    // add to session
                    $this->wcfClient = $soapAPIClient;
                    $_SESSION['APIClient'] = $this->wcfClient;
        } catch(SoapFault $fault){
            $this->error('Fault: ' . $fault->faultcode . ' - ' . $fault->faultstring);
        } catch(Exception $e){
            $this->error('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());

    return $this->wcfClient;

I store the soap client object in $_SESSION['APIClient'], but second times when run some data has been changed in session, I am use this class in drupal 7, I want to save the time using session, because authenticating takes long time. Please help Thank in advance

  • 1
    Not sure if it would help, but you could try calling drupal_session_start(); prior to adding your values to the session. Here are a list of other drupal core session functions that might help you debug: api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21session.inc/7
    – scott
    Commented Oct 17, 2015 at 10:44


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