I'm working on a project that is designed to play both audio and video files through a WPF Window through a MediaElement. This is the xaml for the window:
<Window x:Class="HomeSystem_CSharp.MediaWindow"
Title="MediaWindow" MinHeight="480" MinWidth="720" WindowStyle="None" ResizeMode="NoResize" Visibility="Visible" Cursor="None">
<Grid Background="Black">
<MediaElement LoadedBehavior="Manual" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="video" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Cursor="None" MinHeight="480" MinWidth="720"/>
This creates the window with no borders, that I plan on full-screening in the future. For now though, I want more room on my desktop. Here is my code for controlling my MediaElement:
private bool playing = false;
public MediaWindow(string dir)
video.Source = new Uri(dir);
public void play()
if (playing)
if (!this.IsVisible)
playing = true;
This MediaWindow is created outside of the object, just by a simple MediaWindow mw = new MediaWindow("C:\\test.mp4");
No matter how i've moved stuff around in my code, upon launch EVERY time the GUI is unresponsive, but sound plays. I can hear the video in the background, but there is a broken window on my screen. Just a black box.
The biggest issue is that just the other day it was working fine, and suddenly it broke, and I have no clue what happened. I'm kinda new to c#, so I dont know a TON about what's going on, but I've worked with java for several years so I'm not totally new. Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong? i can provide any other details but I think i got everything necessary to answer. Thank you for any help, this has been bothering me all day with no fix!
EDIT: Turns out, if I use
public void play()
if (playing)
//if (!this.IsVisible)
// this.Show();
new Application().Run(this);
playing = true;
instead, it will run the GUI. However, that hangs up the console. Originally I fixed that hang up by using this.Show(), but now that's not working. I know that moving the whole project into a WPF project would fix this, however I'm really trying not to for other reasons. Only win32 for now. Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it? I do have [STAThread]
over my main function if that makes a difference.
This video file I'm playing is movie length, and runs perfectly in any other software to prevent that from being an issue with development. As for the MediaWindow creation. What I did is made a win32 console project and set up the user commands there. I then made a new WPF project, and created an xaml gui window. I took those code files, and copied them into the win32 project, and call it to launch in the main method with the MediaWindow mw = new MediaWindow("C:\\test.mp4");
I did it this way because for now I'm trying to keep away from using a pure WPF application, and because I'm kinda new to C# so I wasnt sure how to create the window I wanted without my copy paste method.
directly from main(). As for "pure WPF" I mean instead of using a GUI for the whole project, I use a console instead, and use a GUI to compliment it.