Last night I finished up on unity and saved my project and scene before closing unity.
This morning when I loaded up unity My Hierarchy, scene and game view are all empty, I don't even have a main camera. This has happened before so I closed off unity (Without Saving or anything) and opened it through the scene file, to my surprise again it does not work, Thinking it must have just not loaded the scene again I tried loading the scene in unity, again no result, now I've spent the last 2 hours browsing the internet trying to find the solution to the problem.
A few common answers I've seen for this problem that do not work for me:
Unity is not opening a new scene, it says at the top it is currently in the scene I want.
Pressing F does not fix anything since there is nothing in the hierarchy in the first place.
The project is saved in DropBox.
All the assets say they were last updated when I last saved and closed Unity.
Any help is greatly appreciated.