I'm trying to initiate calls using the ARI API, the process I followed was

  1. POST /ari/channels to create channel 1 to the local extension
  2. POST /ari/bridges to create a bridge
  3. POST /ari/bridges/{bridge-id}/addChannel with channel 1
  4. POST /ari/channels to create channel 2
  5. POST /ari/bridges/{bridge-id}/addChannel with channel 2

I have a websocket connection waiting for the correct events (like channel status up) before calling the POSTs.

The problem I'm having is this works using internal extension numbers for channel 1 and channel 2, but when using an external number for channel 2 I get the error - "Allocation failed".

Any ideas where I'm going wrong...

2 Answers 2


Im creating my calls via ARI like this:

http://{ARIUser}:{ARIPass}@localhost:8088/ari/channels?endpoint=SIP/{exten to call from}&extension={number/exten to call}&context=from-internal&priority=1&callerId={callerID}
  • Thank u, it worked for me. caller is 1110 and called is 1120. curl -v -u user:password -X POST ""
    – zichen.L
    Commented Dec 20, 2019 at 23:05
  • This works for internal calls extension to extension any idea how to make an outbound call to a cell phone?
    – DevTurtle
    Commented Aug 20, 2021 at 21:47

When you create channel with ARI to address "/ari/channels" you MUST define "extension" or "application" parameters (read more https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+12+Channels+REST+API#Asterisk12ChannelsRESTAPI-originate).

Digitum make very unusable Python ari module and you may play with my module (now not implemented events) on https://github.com/vit1251/ari2.

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