I have a XML template and I'd like to be able to add/remove/update attributes to the template dynamically, how can I do it?
It isn't clear from the heading and the question itself whether you are looking for dynamically modifying an XML or an XML template (they are two different entities) hence summarized both options:
Modifying attributes in an XML
def xml = '''
<car type='sedan'>Honda</car>
<car type='sedan' category='standard'>Toyota</car>
def slurper = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
slurper.car.find { it.text() == 'Honda' }.@year = '2013'
slurper.car.find { it.text() == 'Toyota' }.@type = 'Coupe'
slurper.car.find { it.text() == 'Toyota' }.attributes().remove( 'category' )
groovy.xml.XmlUtil.serialize( slurper )
Creating an XML from a template using XmlTemplateEngine
Excerpts taken from XmlTemplateEngine API:
def binding = [firstname:"Jochen", lastname:"Theodorou",
nickname:"blackdrag", salutation:"Dear"]
def engine = new groovy.text.XmlTemplateEngine()
def text = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document xmlns:gsp='http://groovy.codehaus.org/2005/gsp'
xmlns:foo='baz' type='letter'>
<gsp:scriptlet>def greeting = "${salutation}est"</gsp:scriptlet>
<foo:to>$firstname "$nickname" $lastname</foo:to>
How are you today?
def template = engine.createTemplate(text).make(binding)
println template.toString()
Creating XML from a template using MarkupTemplateEngine
Since Groovy 2.3, we can also use MarkupTemplateEngine to create xml in a DSL builder style:
import groovy.text.markup.*
import groovy.text.Template
def xmlTemplate = '''
cars {
cars.each {
car(make: it.make, model: it.model)
class Car {
String make, model
def model = [
cars: [
new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '508'),
new Car(make: 'Toyota', model: 'Prius')
def render(xmlTemplate, model) {
MarkupTemplateEngine engine =
new MarkupTemplateEngine(
new TemplateConfiguration( autoNewLine: true, autoIndent: true ) )
Template template = engine.createTemplate( xmlTemplate )
Writable output = template.make( model )
def writer = new StringWriter()
output.writeTo( writer )
println writer
render( xmlTemplate, model )