I have two data.frame with this format (this is small part of the data sets):
data.frame 1
ID precip lat lon
1 45 115 -122.5
2 42.5 130 -122.5
3 40 155 -122.5
4 37.5 140 -122.5
data.frame 2
precip lat lon
1 108.61 115 -122.5
2 85.83 130 -122.5
3 81.01 155 -122.5
4 NA 140 -122.5
I want to add data.frame2 to the end of data.frame1 so at the end I have something like this:
ID precip lat lon
1 45 115 -122.5
2 42.5 130 -122.5
3 40 155 -122.5
4 37.5 140 -122.5
5 108.61 115 -122.5
6 85.83 130 -122.5
7 81.01 155 -122.5
8 NA 140 -122.5