I installed Bootstrap 3 in my Meteor.js project via meteorite and did a "meteor remove" of the originally packaged bootstrap 2.3.2. But everytime I run "meteor" the old bootstrap package seems to be re-installed. Now my meteor project has 2 versions of bootstrap being loaded and its giving me conflicts...anyway to permanently remove the old bootstrap or is it dependent as part of Meteor.js

2 Answers 2


You need to manually remove all the remnants of the package.

  • Remove packagename from .meteor/packages file.
  • Remove /packages/packagename folder. Also remove packagename from /packages/.gitignore if you've got that file.
  • If you use meteorite, remove all traces of packagename from smart.json and force reload by running mrt install.

That should do it.


It looks like when I installed meteor-bootboxjs v3 it also installed bootstrap v2.3.x....next time I will look more closely @ the package.js.....

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