I am converting Visual Basic 6.0 code to .NET 4.5. I have the following lines of code. Can you tell me what they mean?

SQLMappingTables = " SELECT * FROM MappingTables " & _
                    " WHERE  Group_Level = ? " & _
                    "    AND Group_Code  = ? " & _
                    "    AND Code = ? " 
Set Cmd_MappingTables = New ADODB.Command
Cmd_MappingTables.CommandText = SQLMappingTables
Cmd_MappingTables.CommandType = adCmdText
/// These are the line I do not understand
Set DefGroup_Level = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 1)
Set DefGroup_Code = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 15)
Set DefCode8 = Cmd_MappingTables.CreateParameter(, adChar, adParamInput, 3)

1 Answer 1


It defines three unnamed (first parameter left out) string (adChar) input parameters (adParamInput) of length 1, 15 and 3.

You can find a description here.

I would expect the subsequent lines to assign values to the input parameters, before the command is executed.

  • Lindback Thanks for your quick response so if i pass value in SQLMappingTables what will the result as example is there Group_Level = adchar, Group_Code= adParamInput, Code = 15
    – Abhishek
    Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 13:40
  • 1
    Look for code that assigns values to DefGroup_Level, DefGroup_Code and DefCode8. Those are the search parameters that correspond to the three ? in the SELECT statement. The assignment of the search values is not included in the code you posted in the question. Commented Jun 25, 2013 at 14:13

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