I am developing a wix code to create a msi. i have added all the components and libraries to my wix project.But,i am not able to create a msi as i need.Please help me out.Here is my code,

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">

<Product Name='SmartViewer'

    <Package Keywords='Installer,MSI'
             SummaryCodepage='1252' />

    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="myapp.cab" EmbedCab="yes" />

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
            <Directory Id="MyProgramDir" Name="myproject" >
                <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="proj1" />

    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLFOLDER">
        <Component Id='MainExecutable' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ExecutableFile' Name='mv.exe' DiskId='1' Source='mv.exe' KeyPath='yes'/>
        <Directory Id="imageformats" Name="imageformats">
            <Component Id='jpeg4Library' Guid='*'>
                <File Id='jpeg4' Name='jpeg4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='jpeg4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='Network4Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='Network4' Name='Network4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='Network4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='Multimedia4Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='Multimedia4' Name='Multimedia4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='Multimedia4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='QtGui4Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='Gui4' Name='Gui4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='Gui4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='Designer4Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='Designer4' Name='Designer4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='Designer4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='Core4Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='Core4' Name='Core4.dll' DiskId='1' Source='Core4.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='libmfxsw32Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='libmfxsw32' Name='libmfxsw32.dll' DiskId='1' Source='libmfxsw32.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='libiomp5mdLibrary' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='libiomp5md' Name='libiomp5md.dll' DiskId='1' Source='libiomp5md.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippcore7.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippcore7.1' Name='ippcore-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippcore-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippccw77.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippccw77.1' Name='ippccw7-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippccw7-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippccv87.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippccv87.1' Name='ippccv8-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippccv8-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippccs87.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippccs87.1' Name='ippccs8-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippccs8-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippccp87.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippccp87.1' Name='ippccp8-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippccp8-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippccg97.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippccg97.1' Name='ippccg9-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippccg9-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='ippcc7.1Library' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='ippcc7.1' Name='ippcc-7.1.dll' DiskId='1' Source='ippcc-7.1.dll' KeyPath='yes' />

        <Component Id='EULALibrary' Guid='*'>
            <File Id='EULA' Name='EULA.rtf' DiskId='1' Source='EULA.rtf' KeyPath='yes' />

    <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
        <Directory Id="MyProgramDir" Name="myproj" >
                <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="proj1" /
                    <Component Id="TextFileComponent" Guid="*">
                        <File Id="TextFile" Name="Logs.txt" DiskId="1"
                              Source="Logs.txt" KeyPath="yes" />

    <Directory Id="DesktopFolder">
        <Component Id="ExecutableFileShortcutComponent" Guid="*">
            <Shortcut Id="ExecutableFileShortcut" Name="smart viewer" 
                  Description="Shortcut To Executable File"
                  Target="[INSTALLFOLDER]mv.exe" />

    <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
        <Directory Id="MyProgramDir" Name="myproj">
            <Component Id="ExecutableFileShortcutComponent" Guid="*">
                <Shortcut Id="ExecutableFileShortcut" Name="smart viewer"
                      Description="Shortcut To Executable File"
                      Target="[INSTALLFOLDER]mv.exe" />



The components are not getting the dll path.I tried passing the path to source in file id,still i find the same issue.Looking forward for a good suggestion.

  • What error are you getting? Also I see you are missing the feature tag which you would need to install your files..:) Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 9:33
  • The components are not getting added.It is not finding the source path in file id. Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 11:18
  • Is it still not finding them when specifiying the full path? Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 12:16
  • @jasonbourne How could you verify that components aren't added when you failed to create the MSI?
    – harper
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 15:10
  • I get a error of file not found, which i feel is contrary to files are not been added. I have no idea about the way of coding in XML.Suggest me on this. Commented Feb 23, 2013 at 4:57

2 Answers 2


You need to reference the full path to the files:

<File Id="Microsoft.Practices.Unity"
      Source="$(var.BuildOutputDir)\jpeg4.dll" />

where $(var.BuildOutputDir) is the full path to a folder. If these files are in the output of another referenced project then you can use $(var.OtherProject.TargetDir)

  • If this is the correct answer please mark it so that others can easily see it, and I get the recognition! ;) Commented Feb 23, 2013 at 11:36

Your file does not contain valid XML. The following fragment is broken.

<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
    <Directory Id="MyProgramDir" Name="myproj" >
            <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="proj1" /
                <Component Id="TextFileComponent" Guid="*">
                    <File Id="TextFile" Name="Logs.txt" DiskId="1"
                          Source="Logs.txt" KeyPath="yes" />

The line

            <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="proj1" /

should be

            <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="proj1" >

There is one </Directory> missing. You should also add </Component> at two positions. Try WiXEdit that points to invalid XML when it loads a .WXS file.

Additionally you should add a <feature>.

  • You typed all the code in the question? You're a hero! Please keep in mind there are more unbalanced XML nodes.
    – harper
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 12:03

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