Many corporate assets, particularly growth opportunities, can be viewed as call options. The value of such 'real options' depends on discretionary future investment by the firm. Issuing risky debt reduces the present market value of a... more
This paper briefly describes recent papers on the economics of rational herding in financial markets. Some models can predict perfect herding, in which rational agents all act alike without any countervailing force. Such herding typically... more
This paper presents a simple discrete-time model for valuing options. The fundamental economic principles of option pricing by arbitrage methods are particularly clear in this setting. Its development requires only elementary mathematics,... more
In emerging Indian economy, as more and more women have started to work, the malady of sexual harassment at the work place has reared its ugly head in several fields. From the police and the army to business process outsourcing set ups,... more
Suri coins of Malwa are unknown despite their rule of almost about 13 years. Some coins deciphered for the first time.
Numismatic- Coin of Qadir Shah of Malwa Sultanate
The paper examines the ethical conception of the most well-known and much discussed Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gītā, in the context of the Western distinction between duty ethics and virtue ethics. Most of the materials published on the... more
Corporate social responsibility-CSR is not new in India. For ages, entrepreneurs and business persons have tried to help the society at large through some or other means in its development. The word was not CSR, but the spirit was that of... more
The consumer shopping is to select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants.Mainly in which shopping is about acquiring needed goods and service. However, modern shoppers buy this to... more
This study investigated the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on bank profitability with particular reference to United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc. The study used annual reports of United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc. Data used... more