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Showing posts with label spookyTimejingles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spookyTimejingles. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just in Time for Halloween!!!

A little sneek peek.....

Just in time for your Halloween decorating!!! The SpookyTimeJingles site will be offering new items starting tonight at MIDNIGHT (EST) !!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who LOVES Halloween????

We do! We do! We LOVE Halloween AND Christmas too!!!

SpookyTimeJingles.com will delight you with new work at the stroke of midnight, August 13th !!!

Here's a peek at some of the items created by these talented artists! Be sure to come by and take a look!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Create your own Candy Buffet

As we all know CANDY is truly the "reason for the season", this year why not try setting up a scrumptiously sweet candy buffet for your ghoulish guests to enjoy.

Here are 5 tips for creating a Sweet B Style Candy display:
1. Color Scheme - Try selecting a color scheme for your buffet, and select items that will match and compliment it. Orange and black are traditional, but how about pink and orange ,Orange and white, lime green black and white..... a ghostie buffet could be black and white, fall colors of brown, orange and red may also look stunning! 2. Fabric underlay - Use fabric yardage to create a colorful underlay for your display. Textured fabrics such as brocades, satins and sequence will sparkle under candlelight. Use fabrics that match or compliment your color scheme - bunch, drape, and layer for even more texture and interest.
3. Containers - Use containers of various heights and shapes to hold candy. Thrift stores are great resources for glass jars, vases, bowls and cake stands. Make sure each jar that you fill has a spoon or scoop for people to help themselves.
4. Organize - organize your candy by shape, color, size, or type. Don't create a "Hodge-podge", keep clean lines and make sure candy is accessible and easy to reach.
5. Height - One tall centerpiece or candy container will draw the eye and "make a statement". Mount painted branches in a vase, fill a tall jar with giant lollipops, or stack pumpkins high for best visual impact.
To see more pictures of MY candy Buffet,
and have a chance to win one of three great prizes,
- Amelia Schaefer
Sweet B Folk Art
Proud Member of STJ!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just a Peek

At midnight (EST) August 13, SpookyTimeJingles will update with all new and exciting things to offer, so be sure to stop by and check it out. Here's a little peek at just some of what you'll find.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Coming, it's new, it's exciting!!!

Be sure to set your clocks, mark your calendars, post the post-its....do whatever it takes .....but be sure that you check out the new updated pages from all the artists on SpookyTimeJingles.com starting at MIDNIGHT (EST) on June 13th!!!! AND continuing for the whole month of June!!!

A little sneek peek at just a sampling of what is to come...

While you're shopping at STJ, be sure to check out the door prizes and enter your name! You can have a chance to win some great art that will be given away by these talented and generous STJ artists!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Please Welcome!!

Our newest member to join STJ is Linda The Gourd Queen!

Linda's work is soo inspiring and I just love that she has joined us!! She is sooo committed to her work with gourds that she has a lil house built just for them and it is filled!

Please be sure to visit and welcome Linda on May13th's update!!

We will also be announcing a few more artist additions in the coming days who have been on our wait list to join.
So Exciting!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a Wonderful Time We Had!

Halloween Convention 2009 STJ 056

The National Halloween Convention was an overwhelming HUGE success for SpookyTimeJingles artistans!

Halloween Convention 2009 STJ 024

We sold our art hand over fist!! We were told time and time again that we had thee best booth at the whole show! The owners were kind enough to offer me the position to oversee an entire aisle of collectibles in 2010 and said that SpookyTimeJingles can have as many booths as they want next year as well!

Halloween Convention 2009 STJ 045

Our Black and Orange Halloween theme was very graphic and eye catching but without a doubt it was the one of kind treasures that stole the show!

Halloween Convention 2009 STJ 035

Sensory overload for some and I think that is awesome!! So much to look at that peoples eyes would just glaze over! HA !!!!

Halloween Convention 2009 STJ 032

We had wonderful fans come to visit and take home great one of kind treasures!

One of the highlights for me was when Claire Lavin the Vintage Halloween Author came to our booth and collected many wonderful pieces from STJ artisans! What an honor! Not only does she clearly have impeccable taste ;) but she was just such a wonderful sweetie and a total joy to meet!

The other highlight was to get to meet & sell our wares to Bill of Frazettas Fantasy Corner! They are a LONG time Halloween outfitter on the East Coast. I have known about Frazettas for many years and their reputation for Halloween greatness! Do not let their simple website fool you. Bills father started the business 25+ years ago and would fly to Hollywood to assist on horror films often. His son took over the business a number of years ago and continues the Frazetta frightening family tradition!

Halloween Convention 2009 Good enough to eat!

So it was a wonderful experience and I could go on and on about sooo many more wonderful things that happened for SpookyTimeJingles.com!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Door Prize Winners from March's update!

WINNER IS: Janet Ball

spookytime jingles march door prize
WINNER IS: Wendy Walker


Elma Riedstra


WINNER IS: Amy Huskey!

Little Dickens for Dani

Congrat's to the winners!! Thank you for supporting SpookyTime Jingles Artisans!! You will hear from your artist shortly to set up delivery of your One of a kind treasure!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wonderful New Additions to STJ for April!

Please welcome Carrie of the SnipPets!
Spooky Cat Make-do!

Carrie will also be sending her works to us just in time for the the National Halloween Convention!

Please welcome Dawn of Odd Fae!!

Halloween Ghost Tree!

Please come meet our newest members of STJ on our April 13th update!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


STJ Halloween Convention Badge!

STJ has been accepted into The National Halloween/ Haunters Convention at Valley Forge Convention Center!!

This Center is a wonderful place for such an event. Lots of room and amenities for vendors and visitors!!

A large number of STJ artisans will be participating with one of a kind exclusive convention treasures available for sale.

So please come visit me (Dani-Ambitions Design) any other STJ artists who will be making the rounds

~Have Door Prizes, will travel~
At least 1 DRAWING each day for Original STJ Works!!
(will be mailed if you are not present at time of drawing)

for more info click our ad above or...

Friday, March 13, 2009

February's Update Door prize Winners!!

Winner is: Laurie Kliss

Tracy Door Prize!

Winner is: Sue McGee

Kristen beasoon Door Prize

Winner is: Jody Sullivan

Annette aceo dp

Winner is: Allison Bartlett

Mealy Monster door prize

Winner is: Barbara Crawford

Marie Door Prize carrot

Winner is: Robert of Halloween Fanatic
OWOH winner and he chose Patty's Ornie!

stjfeb2009 029

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guest Artist HINT!!

Tada...do you know who this is?

If you have not discovered this artisan yet you are living in a cave that does not celebrate Halloween....

there..that is your only hint!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Additions!

Please welcome STJ's Newest additions to our Sweet & Spooky Family!!

Brandi of She's Off Her Rocker!

Brandi creates such wonderful Halloween lanterns & treat containers! Wait until you see all of her Halloween goodies!

Lisa brings us wonderfully spirited paintings! Just look at this one!

Although Lisa and I share the same last name, there is no relation. The interesting part is we also live very close to each other! Small Halloween world~

Lisa will be joining us online for the April 13th update but will be participating with us at the National Halloween Convention (more details coming in our newsletter on the 12th & later blog post) about this wonderful convention and honor!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Naughty or Nice Update Sneak Peek!!!!

Fat Jak Originals Sneak Peek
Look at this offering from Jackie at Fat Jak Originals...AMAZING!

December 1st will mark our Naughty or Nice, SpookyTime is listing twice update event!

~We are listing on December 1st & 13th this month~

Our artists have worked very hard to bring you some amazing pieces for this added update, hope to see you all there!
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