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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Naughty or Nice?
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Put on your JOLLY and join us tonight for STJ's last update of 2012 at 12:00 am EST (midnight) @ SpookyTime Jingles.  No matter what list Santa has you on this year, you will feel like a kid on Christmas morning again when you see the dazzling originals STJ's artists have created this month (both Halloween & Christmas).  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fanatically Festive
by Robert Brawley 
(Halloween Fanatic)
It is that time of year again, time for pumpkins, time for mums, time for fall and here it comes. Halloween is just right around the corner, and it is time, if you have not already, to get into Halloween Fanatic mode! As you know I stay in it year round, but now is the time to pull out your favorite decorations for fall. Mine will include my Halloween tree, it is filled with handmade artists ornaments again, including some of my favorite STJ artist works! When it comes to decorating your Halloween tree, it can be as complex or as simple as you like.

During this time of year you can pick up black trees at many retail outlets. You can also pick up some wonderful handmade feather trees as well. If you really want to go simple go out into the woods and find yourself some really sturdy branches, place them in a spooky urn, with pea gravel for support, and hang your favorite Halloween treasures on them. Be sure to check out Spooky Time Jingles the 13th of each month for hauntingly good Halloween tips, ornaments for your Halloween tree, and fine Halloween art!

Decking the Howls
By Denise Young
(Halloween Enthusiast & Baby)

Breaking news!  Holiday trees are no longer for only Christmas and they are no longer only green.  Holiday trees are for any holiday or season, especially Halloween. Halloween-themed trees are all the rage for Halloween lovers and holiday home decorators this time of year.  Generally Halloween trees are smaller in size and designed to sit on a piece of furniture.  Thus making them easy to put up, display and take down in a timely manner.  They are not the center of the holiday home like Christmas trees, but a place to hang small goodies of scary splendor.

Halloween trees come in standard Halloween colors, black, orange and purple, and are available at most craft and home decorating stores during the Halloween season.  These stores generally carry all the accompanying decorations and necessary accessories as well.  The variety available on the market is wide and consists of ornaments, lights, skirts, toppers, and garland.  If there is not a wide selection available at your local store, do not fear.  You would be surprised what would go on a tree.  Halloween party favors and little toys often are sold in 10-25 pieces, are small and colorful.  Voila…instant tree trimmings!  For that special Halloween tree that grows each year look, on-line or at your local craft shows for special handcrafted pieces; nothing like starting a new Halloween tradition.

I was introduced to a Halloween tree when a friend sent me my first Halloween ornament for my birthday.  It was so awesome I drove to the local craft store and bought my first Halloween tree immediately.  I was surprise to how many little goodies, like lights, garland and other ornaments, were available to put on my new tree.  Oh the excitement!  That was the day I said, “Bye, bye red and green balls and hello orange and purple!”

My tree was black and small enough to manage from year to year without having to move my car out of the garage to store it.  Once I had made my choice, I quickly put it up in my office; I was going to enjoy this tree as much as possible!  At home it would be ignored; gather dust and destroyed by my cats.   Enjoyed it was, not only by me, but also by passing customers and co-workers stopping to chat.  It created a lot of interest and brought me utter bliss.  Holiday trees are meant to bring joy and celebration any time of the year!

Friday, October 12, 2012

October Sneak Preview

No tricks this month... 

just oodles of treats from the hauntingly talented artists of STJ! Don't be afraid to join us tonight 
at SpookyTime Jingles 12:00 am EST for 
our October 2012 update!  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thank you to all who entered STJ's 'Memoirs of Halloween Haunts' Short Story Contest.  There were so many fantastic submissions; it was difficult to select our favorite story!  The winning author of our contest is Sophie Anne Roberts.  We hope you enjoy her story as much as we did! 

~Halloween Month~

by Sophie Anne Roberts
In rural Pennsylvania there is never a shortage of corn stalks, pumpkins, beautiful leaves and candy on Halloween.  This is the setting where my best childhood Halloween memories took place.

October was a month long celebration in my family that started with the tradition of decorating.  Every room was anointed with black and orange.  Paper accordion pumpkins hung on doors and windows, our traditional cardboard life-size jointed skeleton was placed in a new spot every year and the “Readers Digest” black cat was a staple at our house.  His body was made from a folded Readers Digest that was spray-painted black with a round Styrofoam head, whiskers made of pipe cleaners and a tail of braided yarn.

As the month progressed we carved our pumpkins.  This was quite an event as my mom planned ahead for the mess, my dad planned ahead with a sharp knife, and my brother and I planned not only to create a masterpiece, but to feast on roasted pumpkins after the carving was complete.

The weekend before Halloween my parents would have a big party for our friends and neighbors.  We would roast hot dogs, make ‘smores and hang out by the fire enjoying the brisk fall air.  This was the highlight of my year.  Several weeks before the big “weenie” roast my dad would start saving the hard wood from his shop.  This would burn hot and slowly.   He would also do the fall clean up on our property and pile it over on the burn pile. This would burn fast and get the fire going quickly.  I remember always being anxious for the coals to be just right so we could being the “roast.”

Then the BIG day – Halloween!  We always went out on Halloween night, dressed VERY warmly with our closets friends.  Of course we had to start at my grandparents who just lived down the hill from us.  That was the dress rehearsal.  If you could walk down the hill in your costume and back you were going to make it Trick-or-Treating.  We would hit all the neighbors and friends, but never went to a home we didn’t know.  We made a haul!  We would come home and our parents would sort through the candy and discard anything that looked not right or was unwrapped.  Then my dad would take the candy he knew we wouldn’t like, you know he was “saving us”.  The rest was stored always and we were allowed a few pieces a day.

Halloween was truly a special time for my family as it was the one holiday everyone was really into. To this day It is still my favorite holiday!

Halloween Social

Written by Denise Young
Denise Young Photography & Design, Halloween baby and enthusiast!

Today most people keep in touch and share their lives through a social outlet like Facebook, Twitter, email or text.  Why not extend your love for Halloween and other favorite holidays to social media outlets?  The best example is Facebook.  The “timeline” creation has caused quite a stir on Facebook with a considerable amount of negative feedback.  But why not embrace it?  Use it as another outlet for your Halloween enthusiasm, fascination, and creativity!

The timeline allows you to put pictures and creations on your page.  As long as what you would like to share is imported as a jpeg file, Facebook will load it.  A jpeg file is a very commonly used file.  All cameras take pictures in jpeg and it can be created from everyday programs such as Microsoft Publisher and Photoshop. If digital design is not your specialty or is too challenging, you can buy one.  The Internet offers many outlets to find one, such as Etsy.  Many shops are carrying Facebook timelines now at very reasonable rates and most shop owners will create one for you for an additional cost.

The graphic image below is one example of a Halloween themed timeline.  Adding this festive holiday to your Facebook timeline is fun and creates interest for friends who view your page.  If you have a business page, this is a great way to incorporate your love for Halloween and generate chatter on your Facebook page.  Creations can range from a single picture, to a mass produced design purchased, to a privately created masterpiece or even a montage of favorite Halloween pictures.  The opportunities are endless with social media.

Keep Halloween alive in your homes, your offices and on your social media outlets.  Create, upload, share and repeat!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September Preview

Take a sneak peek at what STJ's spooktacular artists 
have brewed for the update...

Want to know what else has been cookin' in the cauldron?  We welcome you join us on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 12:00 am EST at SpookyTime Jingles to discover what else the wickedly talented artists of STJ have in store just for you!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Memoirs of Halloween Haunts Contest

STJ invites you to trick-or-treat down Memory Lane by sharing a short story about your favorite childhood memory of Halloween!  Be it funny, sentimental or just plain scary, we want to hear all about it.  Oh, the nostalgia of class parties, parades, costumes and trick-or-treating...

The winner of our contest will have their Halloween anecdote included in STJ's September newsletter and receive an original Halloween ornament (just in time to hang on your Halloween tree)!

Official Contest Rules
  • All entires must be email to [email protected]. Please do NOT post your story on our blog or FaceBook page.
  • Please include your first & last name along with a contact number with your email entry. 
  • All entries must be received no later than Sunday, September 9, 2012 by 8:00 pm EST.
  • Stories must be non-fiction, under 200 words and based during your childhood.
  • Only one entry per person is permitted.  Multiple submissions will result in automatic ineligibility.
  • This contest was designed to be in good, clean, old-fashioned fun.  Stories containing offensive, foul or inappropriate language, excessive violence or adult-themed content or material will be automatically disqualified.  Think PG rated!  :)
  • We encourage you to include a photo with your entry if applicable to your story.
  • In the event of a tie, a winner will be chosen at random.
  • The winning author will be notified no later than Tuesday, September 11, 2012 via email.

A glimpse of my favorite Halloween memory...
Can you guess which one is me??

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August Sneak Peek

The STJ August update is just three hours away!  Join us tonight at 12:00 am EST at SpookyTime Jingles to see what's new this month.  And be sure to stay tuned for upcoming exciting STJ news for September...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

STJ Welcomes Newest Artist!

Michael J. Marnell, creator of OhMyHorror, is making his debut this month as the newest member of SpookyTime Jingles.  Driven by a passion always skewed on the haunted side of things, his art demonstrates characteristics of a droll & obtuse nature.  We think he will fit right in!
July Sneak Preview

The STJ July update is just two (2) hours away!  Join us tonight at 12:00 am EST at SpookyTime Jingles to see what's new this month.  We thank all of our friends, fans and collectors for their support during the June update!  Our technical issues from last month have been resolved and the place to be tonight is www.spookytimejingles.com!  Hope to see ya there...  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June Sneak Preview

The June update is almost 6 hours away!  Join us tonight at 12:00 am EST at SpookyTime Jingles to see what STJ's creative artists have in store for this month.  Please make sure to visit www.spookytimejingles.net.  Our .com domain issue is still being resolved.  We thank all of our friends, fans and collectors for their support!  See you tonight...  

Due to a serious problem with our domain registrar, our website update will take place tonight (12:00 am EST) at www.SpookyTimeJingles.net this month. The domain www.SpookyTimeJingles.com is currently unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control. We are working on the problem as a top priority and hope to have it resolved soon. THANK YOU for your support and patience!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May Sneak Preview

The STJ May update is less than 3 hours away!  Join us tonight at midnight EST at www.spookytimejingles.com to see all the new work our talented artists created for you this month.  

On behalf of STJ, we wish all the Moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day!  We hope your day is full of celebration AND appreciation!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sneak Peak for April 2012

Just 5 hours until our April update...

Here is a sneak peak at what the STJ artists have been working on for this very exciting update! We hope you will share in the excitement & join us tonight at 12:00 am (EST) at www.spookytimejingles.com.

If the gusty winds of this month haven't blown you away yet, the new Halloween and Christmas works this month certainly will!

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” ~William Shakespeare

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sneak Peak for March 2012

It's almost that time...

The March update is just hours away! It's your last chance this year to purchase original Easter and spring-themed work as our Holiday Hootenanny for 2012 will come to a close on April 12. Our STJ artists have created some truly delightful and inspiring pieces to celebrate Spring's arrival.

"Springtime is the land awakening.
The March winds are the morning yawn."
~Lewis Grizzard

And, as always, new and amazing Halloween and Christmas pieces will also be unveiled in only a few hours at 12:00 AM (EST). We hope you will join us at SpookyTime Jingles to see a blend of seasonal bliss!

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