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Once upon a time there was an icon of non violence, Whose silhouette is scowling over India for non-tolerance? Though his aureoles and knickknacks are still worshipped, Yet his terrain of truth, thoughts and terra-firma was transshipped.
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The grammar of regionalization of equitable development demands a continuum of cooperation and co-existence that subsumes the horizontal hiatus and vertical vagaries of geostrategic and lego-political nature which establish peace,... more
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The pusillanimity of international law once again left the fraternity of international lawyers, academicians and think tanks shocked and shattered to the hilt. The role of Russia in Crimea has refreshed the mawkish memories of the... more
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The world has been morphing, transforming and transiting in desire and discourse, grace and guidance, purpose and practicality, pace and propensity and terrorism and transcendentalism. But this transformation does not address the biggest... more
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The Government of India has dealt with refugee issues as an integral part of bilateral relations with neighbouring states. The importance of administrative discretion in the government’s dealings with refugees is therefore governed by... more
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    • International Refugee Law
India is one of the few countries in the world which has experienced refugee situation, time and again, and that too on a gigantic scale in the last less than half-a-century. History of India is marked by large-scale migrations of people... more
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      Refugee StudiesRefugee ResettlementInternational Refugee LawRefugee Health
The concept of State responsibility is as old as the human civilization. It has been the perennial responsibility of the State to protect the life and liberty of its citizenry. Today an individual has become central to the entire human... more
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      Human Rights LawState ResponsibilityCountry of OriginRefugee Protection
Racism is a reality and it is being perennially practiced and blatantly bloated in all societies across the geo-political spectrum in World Wide Web of equality, liberty and fraternity. Racism attacks all-encompassing normative system and... more
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      LawHuman RightsRace and EthnicityEthnicity
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Global standards of refugee protection have insidiously been discarded into recidivism by the very governments who once espoused the cause of refugee protection in Europe and elsewhere in a post-World War-II era. Today, refugee protection... more
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      International Law/Politics/Relations, Human Rights, Migration and Refugee issuesConstitutionalization of International Law
Statelessness is the absence of the right to have a legal connection between nationality and state. The state of nationality is an identity to enjoy a 'right to have rights'. Statelessness disrupts the enjoyment of all the rights which... more
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      International LawHuman RightsMigrationMigration Studies
The global nuclear justice quest has been culminated by adopting a new regime that intends to dilute the Westphalian Exceptionalism and tries to establish the Universal Constitutionalism based on UN Charter's goal of violence free world... more
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      International Human Rights LawDisarmament LawJusticeNuclear Non-Proliferation
The idea of gender justice is the substantive recognition of equality in its ethical syntactics, but it remains in a vacuum unless and until it is manifested in pragmatics in the lives of the women and girls. The gender justice is the... more
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      LawHuman RightsSexualityGender and Sexuality
The protection of Internally Displaced Persons - popularly called IDPs - has come to dominate the contemporary debate in International Law, International Refugee Law (IRL), International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human... more
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      International LawHuman RightsMigrationInternational Human Rights Law