You know that song in White Christmas - the one the sisters sing? The one called "Sisters"
Yeah, I always wanted to write my own lyrics to that song for my sisters. Maybe someday I will.
You have no idea what I'm talking about? Let me see if I can find a clip on YouTube...
There we go.
I grew up (still am growing up) in a very close family. Even now as we are all becoming adults and going our separate ways we're all still pretty close and enjoy getting together. I love it. We were all homeschooled and somehow all that time together didn't alienate us from each other :)
I have 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters. There are 15 years between me any my youngest brother and the others are all spread out in between.
I was an only child for 4 1/2 years. When my sister, "Rae", was born and I went to see her in the hospital, the story goes that I looked at her and said, "She's just what I prayed for!"
I know, I know - we are both just so adorable :)
Of course we didn't always get along, but most of the time Rae and I did everything together.
When we were like 3 and 7, our greatest form of entertainment was to take a little tape recorder and make up stories and songs and record ourselves and then play it back and listen to it. I still have some of them. Talk about cheap entertainment. We would even get blank cassette tapes in our stockings at Christmas and it was like the best thing ever.
We played dress up and had tea parties and bickered and made up and shared a room. We played Barbies and My Little Ponies and created outrageous story lines for them. I remember when we used a basket to be an elevator so the Barbies could visit the top bunk. Good times.
After 4 1/2 years of the two of us, Naomi joined our happy little family :)
Why can't I find any of her as a newborn? I know we have them. Oh well.
Here's her first Christmas.
And we all got along pretty well. Maybe I'm looking back with rose-colored glasses, but I remember more times of us having fun together than of us fighting (though I do remember fighting. We're human and sisters after all).
Another Christmas - seriously - all of us in pink footy pajamas? How cute is that?!
Our two brothers came later and I am in no way saying we didn't get along or that they weren't important. I'm just focusing on "sisterhood" right now :)
Even now, Rae, Naomi and I are close. Rae got married almost 3 years ago and she moved away. Still within visiting distance, but not just around the corner. We talk and when we get together we have a great time, but we're just not as close as we used to be. I kind of miss that. I guess it's all part of the growing process. And, as much as we love each other, we have a lot of differing interests. We learn from each other, but we don't share the same things and it just creates a little bit of distance.
When I was in college, Naomi and I started e-mailing each other the MOST ridiculous things. We just kept replying back and forth and would basically free-write whatever happened to come into our heads at the moment we sat down to e-mail. This is what really began our friendship that has blossomed outside of "your my sister so I have to love you and spend time with you". We created so many inside jokes it was ridiculous.
We are also both big readers and writers. We are constantly bouncing ideas, story lines, first drafts, etc. off each other. If one of us is stuck we blather to the other one until we work out the kinks.
We're even co-writing a series of dystopian novellas together (maybe they could be YA, but I think they're even short for that). Don't know for sure if they'll go anywhere, but we have been having a lot of fun collaborating on them.
Besides a lot of shared interests, we also still live in the same house. We see each other almost every day, which makes it easier to stay close. We both cringe at the thought that someday (probably soon) one of us will be moving away. I don't know if we'll be able to stay sane without each other :P
What about you? Do you have a sister? Are you close to her or not so much?
I feel so blessed to have such a good relationship with both of my sisters. And I'm glad for the "S" day to give me a chance to throw all of this out there :)