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3 answers

How is rendering a Word document different from rendering a website? [closed]

Now, it doesn't necessarily have to be Word — for ease of comparison, let's use ODT, which is based on XML — which is pretty similar to HTML. That would, to my mind, make rendering an ODT ...
uryga's user avatar
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Generate, edit, store and export documents in web application [closed]

So i was thinking about writing a document (layout?) system. Why reinvent the wheel? Well, I want a wheel that fits my cart. Im doing a “larger” web-based application and need to generate/edit/...
BobbyTables's user avatar
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Document rights vs document section rights

We have a document management web application, which users use to collaborate on a document. There are 2 roles at the application level - Editor and Reviewer, and 3 rights at the document and document ...
Anurag's user avatar
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Which document model to choose in different situations

I needed some custom document format and stumbled on this issue. DocBook does it this way <chapter> <title>Chapter 1</title> <para>Hello world!</para> <...
user877329's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to make a printable 'template' document?

I'm writing a piece of software to generate and print nametags. The issue I'm having is that nametags need to be formatted the same, but have different values (ie. different names, titles), and can be ...
thefistopher's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there Any Concerns with Importing Document Files From a Competing Product?

I have a new product that serves the same purpose as my competitor's long-standing product. One thing I have considered doing is allowing my program to import document files created by their product ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Why do some opensouce libraries lack comments?

I don't know if this happens to most Opensource libraries, but many of I know and use (for example OpenSSL, Webkit, ...) they all lack comments, or contain very few comments. Not to mention their ...
onmyway133's user avatar
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3 answers

What tools can I use for professional document-creation and -printing in PHP? [closed]

I'm in the process of building a new pledge management system for one of my clients, a charity foundation. I have already built one for them (it was done using Delphi), but its feature-set is a little ...
Mike Rockétt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to manage document format changes with local storage?

I'm programming a Javascript application which saves "documents" in localStorage. As the app evolves, naturally there are changes in the document format. I've tried searching but not found anything –...
prikkprikkprikk's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Javascript, Text Annotations and Ideas

I am very curious to hear input from others on a problem I've been contemplating for some time now. Essentially I would like to present a user with a text document and allow him/her to make ...
Mario Zigliotto's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Standard text samples

I need to use a long text as sample. Afterwards with an algorithm I will take a substring of it whose length is fixed (passed as parameter), but the startIndex is random, therefore each time it should ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Example of an agreement with the client

I've started my company in UK. Used to work as a freelancer, therefore legal issues didn't use to be a big headache. Now, I'd like to see an example of the document a company would sign with a client ...
Gajus's user avatar
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4 answers

Good way to document your software (product)? [closed]

Different from Fastest way to document software architecture and design. I'd like to write a manual for my software which includes Command line usage Howtos/Tutorials on using the software Example ...
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