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Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is a cross-browser Javascript library that provides abstractions for DOM traversal, event handling, animation, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

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1 vote
2 answers

Should I stop using jQuery and create custom abstractions?

I'm a junior web developer. My current work is on a form-based server side web application. It was set up using jQuery. I'm now the primary person working on it. In a previous job, which was more ...
pikachu's user avatar
  • 19
-1 votes
1 answer

Client side validation with Jquery - MVC C# app

I am working on a very LEGACY MVC App using C# which is built from 2009. They dont have any client side validation at all. In other words, they dont use Validation mechanism provided by MVC framework ...
NinjaCoder's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Implementing heartbeat in terms of best practice

I have a web application that is running under .NET framework and that is using JS/JQuery on the client side. I am the owner and the only developer of this web application, and it is not totally under ...
Mehdi Souregi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

When should javascript files be loaded

I am using a great deal of jquery. I have several "sub-pages" that are loaded into a main div by a menu click. Each of those sub pages has an associated javascript file. I have been loading the ...
Dave Davis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does it make sense to use reflection or to hard-code controller parameter names in JavaScript?

So I have made a pull request to change this code: //Controller: ... [HttpPost] public ActionResult Unauthorize(int userID, int permissionID) { ...
Sarov's user avatar
  • 403
3 votes
4 answers

Should one-line functions be avoided in jQuery/JavaScript?

So, I had a coworker complain about how I made the following code: ... var foo = getKendoDropdown(; var bar = getKendoDropdown(; var sna = getKendoDropdown(window.sna); var fu = ...
Sarov's user avatar
  • 403
2 votes
1 answer

handle file downloads from the server

I am wondering if the following would be a good technique to allow user to download files from the server in the below scenario: Info about the scenario: User logs into a system (HTML,JQuery and CSS,...
Tan's user avatar
  • 151
0 votes
1 answer

Is my approach to dynamically populating web content ok?

I'm porting my JavaFX application to a web based version, which I'm new to. In my web app the user can search the server database for records. At present I've chosen to present the records in a ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to impersonate user in web app?

I am building an intranet web app with ASP.NET. We are using Windows authentication for granting access to different web pages. We grab your Windows login server side, then build web pages ...
Nolo Problemo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are there standards for handling card swipers in applications?

I'm in the middle of creating a web application for a client, and he wants me to integrate magnetic card swipers so his office staff can quickly swipe a card, and load up details for specific patients ...
Matt Spinks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to declare the need of polyfills publishing jquery plugin (and specially for webpack users)?

I've created jquery plugin that is using modern browser's (Node/Element) features. I'm going to publish plugin as npm package. My wish is not to include polyfills code into jquery plugin, bud declare ...
Roman Pokrovskij's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Frontend design for rest service

I'm currently working on a rest service writen in c++/qt and i'm also thinking about the future web ui who will use this service. I admit i'm not super expert in html/js since i've always worked on ...
Ivanva's user avatar
  • 11
-3 votes
1 answer

Is there a best practice for naming class selectors for identification alone

Is there a best practice for naming class selectors for identification alone? For example, for defining a single amount field with action button, we end up creating several div containers and div ...
Teddy's user avatar
  • 95
0 votes
1 answer

Support i18n in existing application?

I have java/spring based web application with front end in JSP/HTML/JS/Jquery. We already have spring based i18n support. In JSP labels are coming from property files. html/browser download the ...
user3198603's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to process large image with a minimum time lag

I am trying to create a web UI for image processing, with some operations similar to what a site like offers. However, I have problems to achieve a similar performance. For example, lets say ...
BJ Patel's user avatar
  • 151
3 votes
1 answer

Why JS MVC frameworks prefer data binding to UI element reference?

When you are using frameworks like Angular, Angular2+, and React, the way you put data in the UI is by binding a property to an attribute of a UI element. On the other hand, when you're doing ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 187
-1 votes
1 answer

Hosting a static website containing JavaScript/jQuery

I have customized a free downloaded web template as my simple, static website. It contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. I want to make it live, and am confused from where to host it. The hosting ...
Darshana Kadivar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using CSS classes to express state

Is it good practice to express the state of an HTML element--such as whether an input's value is valid--using a CSS class? Would it be better practice to use data attributes, the properties of a ...
Allie Fitter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is RSS generation from MySQL server an ideal method for Facebook-like user feed in a website?

Researching this topic took me a long time, mainly because of my lack of knowledge of how RSS actually works, I understand that generating RSS is basically generating an XML file with multiple items ...
aero's user avatar
  • 107
5 votes
2 answers

I keep bouncing from "god function" to "tiny SRP functions" how do I break this cycle?

This question is important for me in growing in my technical abilities. I find I swing from end-to-end, like a pendulum, in writing code that is simultaneously DRY yet readable & efficient. And I'...
james's user avatar
  • 161
-1 votes
2 answers

Front end engineering : Best way to implement a step by step check out cart

I have implemented a checkout cart like this : Navigation rules are as follows : User can move to next step only on completing the current step. But he is free to click on the previous tab and edit ...
zacurry's user avatar
  • 123
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0 answers

How do I protect JS local scope but allow outside customization?

I am creating a javascript application that will live in a library and be used on multiple sites. I am looking for it to have the following features and need some guidance on accomplishing these goals:...
absentx's user avatar
  • 217
5 votes
1 answer

Visitor pattern. Operating on the nodes of a tree

I am working with jQuery like elements from the cheerio library to manipulate SVG images. These objects represent XML nodes and have a hierarchical internal structure. I am writing a function (in ...
AdamW's user avatar
  • 69
-2 votes
1 answer

Find source of HTML tags added by jQuery [closed]

A page I'm working on has seemingly random anchor tags showing up all over the place, which is causing significant formatting issues. Those tags are showing up in Chrome DevTools but not the page ...
jacobsowles's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

sending ajax request with setinterval . is it good?

I am developing a website where client needs that any notification should reach as soon as it is created. so i am using setinterval function of jquery and using ajax requests to get the notifications. ...
Prabhjot Singh's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Drag and Drop with animations

This is more of a theoretical question which I hope is okay!? I want to code my own drag and drop jQuery plugin, but i'm wondering the best way to go about structuring my code and actually doing it. ...
Martyn Ball's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to integrate Jquery validation into ASP .Net web form

I have a simple donation form using Jquery Validation and Bootstrap You can see the simple form here : JSFiddle Currently the form is just simple HTML, javascript, and css. It validates correctly ...
onTheInternet's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Stopping client-side Javascript from turning into a monolith

I'm developing some Javascript front-end code using JQuery with some back-end JSON webservices. IDE is Netbeans, and debugging using that and Chrome. Coming from a C++ background I'm used to small ...
Roddy's user avatar
  • 759
1 vote
2 answers

Effective way of using jQuery

I am trying to modify the DOM via javascript. I've been suggested to use jQuery like this var options = $("<div>") .append( $("<ul>").append( $("&...
Stefano Borini's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Collecting user input to use as query with API

I'm attempting to collect the user's input and execute a search using an API. At this point, I can use the API (ebay search) by typing keywords into the html document- but I want the user to be able ...
Frederick John's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Website that only loads content on modal windows (ajax)

I'm working with a client that only loves Wordpress, so I have to create a theme. The idea of my client is to have an interactive background (meaning there's no other content but the background, the ...
Jay's user avatar
  • 29
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a good practice to use jQuery object to load scripts onto page?

I am writing a website, and I've come up with quite a few scripts taking up a lot of space and ruining the aesthetics of my code. I came up with the idea of creating one script that fills a div below ...
Nick Fulton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does jQuery work?

What exactly happens underneath (I know it changes the paragraph tag's HTML when the circular div is clicked) when I run this piece of code? Could you please explain the callback function as well. &...
Abhirath Mahipal's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to incoporate jQuery UI into ASP.NET MVC 5 project that is on an offline system? [closed]

I am having some issues trying to incorporate jQuery UI into my project. I cannot use Nuget or anything else that goes to the internet, so I have downloaded the development package from the jQuery UI ...
ITWorker's user avatar
  • 137
5 votes
2 answers

Strategy to display value for a HTML select

Strategy to display value for a html select I have a spring boot, application. On the client side, I use JQuery I would like to know the strategy to display "static value" for a html select. ...
robert gagnon's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Planning to convert PDF to JPG, Annotate the image, Reconvert to PDF

I have a feature where scanned exam answer books need to be digitally annotated and marked. The scanning portion of the work is with another vendor who refuses to scan in any format other than PDF as ...
Abhilash's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery, deferrers and "if" conditionals

How could I simplify the following code? I suspect that it can be simplified by using the $.Deferred class, but I don't know how. if (condition) { $.get('url').done(function () { done(); ...
Cequiel's user avatar
  • 213
1 vote
3 answers

Caching and website performance on iOS vs PC

I have a website that pulls from a database to display images/names/misc info. The pages are used on both iOS Devices (iPhones, iPads, iPods so far) and on PCs using internet explorer and Safari/...
Robert Dickey's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

WebForms, JQuery and the DRY principle

I'm working on a WebForms application that has several pages. Each page currently loads JQuery in a script tag in the head. A colleague I'm working with insists this is WET code and a violation of ...
Narthring's user avatar
  • 158
2 votes
2 answers

"web-enabling" an existing C++ app

I've got a Windows application coded in C++. I want to provide a web-based interface to them, with a view to porting them to embedded Linux systems. The web pages are a series of dynamic 'status pages'...
Roddy's user avatar
  • 759
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0 answers

Web browser resetting connection

I have a web application that is hosted on an embedded device. This device has its own basic web server that can serve content just like any other web server. The web application in question is ...
BarryBones41's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Building a real-time web-app with Ajax .post()

Usually, real-time web-apps are built with websockets, right? Well, let me be radical here - what if I used Ajax? Okay, okay, I know it has its limitations. You can't build, sending data ...
Luke's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
1 answer

Summing values from JSON end point based on category [closed]

I have a JSON end point for projects in a county. I am able to call a list of any of the object properties. What I want to do is to add together either all the values of budget property or the ...
giscard78's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Rendering partial View in MVC

i am not so familiar working with partial Views. The reason behind that is that I really do not have the basics of Jquery/JS/Ajax. But I recently found through some SO post that a partial view can be ...
Vini's user avatar
  • 216
2 votes
2 answers

ModelState Validation vs JQuery vs Remote

I was stuck with some validations for quite a while. I have been thoroughly searching the internet to find ways to apply the validations I require. I came across many methods for validations even ...
Vini's user avatar
  • 216
3 votes
5 answers

Are clean coding rules less relevant for large open source projects? [closed]

I've been reading Robert Martin's book "Clean Code". One of his core tenants is to remove unnecessary comments and strive to create meaningful variable/method names that are self documenting. Some of ...
jeznag's user avatar
  • 147
1 vote
1 answer

Using SessionStorage to keep client side state

I am working on an web app and I would like to keep the client data in the LOCAL session storage. I can't use the servers session and the app will only call some existing rest WS.I have to develop ...
Cris's user avatar
  • 323
1 vote
1 answer

How to update ui lively without refreshing page [closed]

I am doing a web application using struts2 framework. After user login, I show a dashboard about the current status of the user. To show the Dashboard UI(JSP), I used to get the information from the ...
user3214145's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Securing ajax calls to rest api

I need for my app to consume a rest api service and since I will call it from javascript/jquery i need to expose it to the end user. In this case I would also need to expose credentials to the end ...
John's user avatar
  • 783
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4 answers

How can I keep browser URL secret when editing data?

Suppose, There is a user list. <a href=""user/6">Edit</a> When a system user clicked to edit a user info. Then it goes to url to browser like as ...
Kabir Hossain's user avatar

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