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-1 votes
2 answers

Best thing to do by private developers in case of impending death or plans to cease development on a personal private project

Suppose I have a personal private code project. What should the developer do with the code in case of impending death or plans to cease development on their personal private project. Suppose, they do ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

What if after some time when I learned more, I realized that I did some things wrong in past projects? [closed]

For example: After I've learned about SQL injections I realized that in past projects I didn't check user inputs for SQL injections. After I've learned about PKCE I realized that in past projects I ...
Nick Rogan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Dynamic loading of objects defined during development for a running system

So I have a design/architectural question. I want to develop a pattern in a programming language that is able to allow a app command-line shell to send commands to a running application to create ...
LeanMan's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

API development - Exposing new version VS updating current version

Context There is a back end and a front end team. Back end exposes an endpoint to the front end app: PATCH car/{carID}/tire Problem I want to update the aforementioned PATCH request functionality ...
Cap Barracudas's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to speed up my software development workflow? I'm using Visual Studio 2019 to build, compile, run tests for dotnet, C#, Docker containers, etc

I am primarily working with C#, dotnet and Visual Studio 2019 with extensions like Resharper enabled. Visual Studio with Resharper is a memory hog. I currently have the following PC at home where I ...
miniGweek's user avatar
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-2 votes
4 answers

How do I handle 2 or more parallel development environments on different machines?

I have a Windows PC and a Ubuntu laptop that I use for development. One of my main issues is that I switch between them multiple times a day, but because they are different machines, I am unable to ...
Josue's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

At what stage should the (G)UI be designed?

I'll take out the ellipsis to make this easier/quicker to read: Large group project in school, stakeholders gave a fuzzy explanation as to what they want. I suggested that we: sketch the GUIs so we ...
Jack Of Blades's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Should a developer write "Solution document" before start coding?

Why we do this is for "Planning before we code" and one another point is to "help the newcomers in the team". We are a team of 5-8 members. We do have API documentation and Readme included with our ...
nithinTa's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to keep your productivity level high when people keep changing requirements at the last minute?

I started working as a software engineer with a startup about one and a half year ago. Everyone here cares about this project and works hard. but I have been having an issue here for some time. ...
Saira's user avatar
  • 63
0 votes
2 answers

Why are web applications said to be in "production" when in reality they are in "release" or "published"? [duplicate]

The definition of production seems to contradict what web developers consider an application in production to be. Why is the term in release or published not used instead? I have been in professional ...
IEnjoyEatingVegetables's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How would I go about developing an interface that would allow integration of 6 other models?

I am new to programming, I have been trying to get my head around this. Context My project is about defining investment packages for various construction projects within a country based around an ...
user295188's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Strategy for dealing with A/B tests and Gitflow

I would like to know what strategies do you use to deal with A/B tests of your app and gitflow. Overview: We are a team of 6 programmers who develop and maintain a large App. So far we have worked ...
alexm's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How would I integrate python code into Ruby code?

For instance, if I wanted to make a game which used a Python main file, but have another file with Ruby methods on it, how would I call those methods individually? Secondly, how could I make a Ruby ...
sirsnow's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Agile development and standard requirement template

I know there is a distinct difference between a requirement specification and a user story. However in our company, many of the requirements can actually be defined in a standard template. This goes ...
CADmageren's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What extra activities can developers do to increase quality? [closed]

We overestimated our project and are going to finish two weeks early. Rather than fill in the extra time with additional features, management has directed the development team to use the extra time ...
John Wu's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

API Gateway security (for microservice architecture)

we have started with microservices recently, but we have some problems with implementing the Security layer. The idea is that the request comes to Gateway, the Gateway looks to authorization header, ...
libik's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How do developers allow for plug-ins in their apps

I've seen in some applications that were written in compiled languages where plug-ins are accepted and the solution to the question of how still eludes me. For example in Eclipse, Google Chrome, ...
itsthatblackkid's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to detect if a screen is off through a browser? [closed]

With any method not requiring special permissions. I want to find out if a website can tell if my screen is off. Can a browser access that information in any way?
Johnny Derpp's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it unethical to figure out how much to charge by asking for a quote from another company? [closed]

I've been asked to write a mobile app for a business I have connections with, and I've been trying to decide what I should charge. One thing I came up with was to research what other companies would ...
brads3290's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do you differentiate software between TEST and PROD environments?

We have a TEST and PROD environment. TEST and PROD are nearly identical, and obviously software first ends up in TEST before getting approved to go to PROD. Our software is primarily Windows ...
ws07's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Code maintenance: Is it better to develop in English or my mother tongue? [duplicate]

Suppose I develop an application for a given company of my own country. Is is better to code in English or with the language of my country ? I mean, if it is better to comment in French and name the ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should you test development features?

Is it a good practice to test features that only run in a development environment, or just a waste of time? Specifics: The item that is prompting this question is a line of code that dynamically re-...
Ari Porad's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes
1 answer

Efficient development process for Golang (or any backend) and JavaScript?

I am developing a web application. The frontend is a mix between JavaScript and server-side generated html. The backend is written in Golang. Might not be very important, but if somebody made a ...
Kiril's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What types of programming require practical category theory?

Category theory has applications in theoretical computer science and obviously is central to abstract mathematics. I have heard that it also has direct practical applications in programming and ...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Class/Object with different sets of configurations, singletons etc (PHP)

I want to produce maintainable code for configuring one or multiple classes differently depending whether in a production or development environment. For example, making a Paypal class/object that ...
Jayy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Game development design patterns and architectures? [closed]

Some friends and me wish to develop a 2D game just for the experience of learning this paradigm. We are all software engineers with experience in business apps, but we are unsure if the typical design ...
David Jiménez Martínez's user avatar
52 votes
6 answers

How would I implement a "self-destruct" feature into the free trial version of my software?

There is the ongoing argument of free trial versus a freemium model (that is, a free-for-life version of their software with restricted and/or stripped down features) for allowing potential customers ...
theGreenCabbage's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating a custom GUI. App/DE/WM?

I am starting with this project of mine of writing a custom UI for linux. What would happen is: The computer would boot into this UI which would not be the typical taskbar/icons/startbutton kind of ...
reggaemahn's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Why do development devices give you more resources than a typical device?

I have created an app that works on my 4th generation iPod Touch and my company's 5th generation iPod touch. We were about to release, when we found a crash that occurs after any non-developer ...
Katamaritaco's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Things to do before going to production

I am finishing up a decently sized Python/Shell project, and I'm wondering if there's a 'best practice' list of things to do when finishing up development. So far I've done: pylint pycallgraph ...
Marcin's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

What should be an optimal team (in terms of roles) to write a big enterprise nice-quality framework? [closed]

I have a set of questions that bothering me, hopefully someone will be able to answer them here: What should be an optimal team (in terms of roles) to write a big enterprise nice-quality framework? ...
Nikita Leonov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Justifying deficiencies in design

I would like some input on how to handle clients and third party vendors that ask me about the deficiencies in my design. For example. It turns out I need a data field in a webservices response. This ...
EightyEight's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

Can a developer perform testing efficiently? [duplicate]

I don't know yet how it feels to be a part of dev/testing teams. If in an organization (mostly single-product company), can a developer handle testing efficiently? From what I have read: ...
joey rohan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

A better workflow between designer and developer on iOS XIB files development

We're working on an iOS project and right now, and whenever the designer has some feedback about fonts, colors, positions of elements, what images should go where etc., I have to go back and go ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 587
5 votes
7 answers

While learning is it better to use other's plugins or develop my own? [closed]

As I have been learning to program, be it in my intern-ship or school, I have often come across situations where an extra piece of software is needed (from fairly basic to quite complex) and I am ...
The_Cthulhu_Kid's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it my responsibility to code for errors on a completely separate website and domain when redirecting or doing a single sign on? [closed]

If my application is responsible for redirecting/doing a single sign on to a destination managed by a third party, in general, where should I draw the line for error handling during this process? If ...
kappasims's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to better integrate a unix development environment into Windows [closed]

I'm mostly a Windows user but I do most of my development (essentially web development) using unix tools and software. I've been going back and forth between using a dedicated lubuntu virtual machine ...
Shigar Kenze's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of Console in Sublime text editor?

I want to know what purpose does console solve in sublime text 2. This is invoked by pressing Ctrl+Shift+` Is this a kind of debugger, or It just helps you to install packages.
Mike's user avatar
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