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Questions tagged [gitflow]

git-flow is a popular workflow that extends the verbs available to git and helps handle moving changes between feature, development, release, hotfix, support, and production branches.

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-1 votes
1 answer

How to promote code to different environments in GitFlow branching strategy

I am a one person team of my project. I have adopted GitFlow branching strategy for my project which I have read from here, excluding the release branches because I am the the only developer in the ...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How Can GitFlow Work for Multi-Product Releases?

I am looking to adopt GitFlow for a multi-product repository. This repo contains multiple on-prem applications and libraries. Due to the nature of the products, releases are not frequent and we do not ...
Learner's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Branching strategy with two teams with different release cycles

what I have We have two teams with different release cycles. The teams work in the same solution, but don't change the same files. We have a developer team that uses 2 week sprints and delivers after ...
nl-x's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Git Flow best practice for quarantine snapshot to staging environments (dev, test, prod)?

I have a CI pipeline that creates snapshot artifacts with constant version numbers after each commit to the development branch. Then the snapshots are deployed to the stages (dev, test) sequentially ...
Theo5423324's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

How to use trunk based development when using Scrum [closed]

In Scrum we do a 2 week sprint and ship the features after the sprint. I have heard a lot of good things about TBD, but does it conflict with Scrum? Can anyone share your workflow if it is possible ...
user34401's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is my git branch strategy best practice?

We are a small software team with 6 members. We are working on different software projects in our company. Before I joined the team no version control system was used. It was/is my task to reorganize ...
Jakob's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Where to tag releases to achieve "build-once, deploy-everywhere" using GitFlow?

TL;DR: Using GitFlow, which commit do you tag to identify the build of your next release? If you tag the merge commit on main, you'll need to rebuild and deploy something you didn't test on QA (and ...
Kurt Bourbaki's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can 1.0.1 be "applied" in 1.0.0 and in 1.1.0?

Regarding my last question: Can 1.0.1 be launched right after 1.1.0?. I learned that releases can be maintained in parallel using SemVer and it is possible to apply it using Git Flow (Reference: Post ...
lvf23's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Can 1.0.1 be launched right after 1.1.0?

I know that it is common for software to have parallel development in major versions, such as v1 (1.x.x), which can be completely different from v2. Regarding Semver (Semantic Version), can I upgrade ...
lvf23's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to maintain development,testing and production branches when the number of devs is around 50?

Currently my code base has 3 deployments: "development", where devs unit test and develop features; "testing", where testers run end user verification for the features; and "...'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Workflow for Writing Database Migrations for a Team

I am wondering what some possible workflows are for writing database migrations for a team of developers. We seem to run into a problem where one person writes a migration, names it and gives it a ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Migrating from Bitbucket to Github and using Git Flow

In our team we have up to 50 repos, of which about 15 are worked with regularly. The others are rarely changed, but it happens that we bring in 1-3 additional repos per release and work with them. We ...
Rattletrap's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How do you deploy and test a hotfix repo branch in different environments, Git Flow variants

I have done thru where do bug fixes go in git flow and the git flow and github flow pages. There are scenarios many times when we need to show demo of new functionality and on same day fix issues of ...
tgkprog's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Branching strategy for multiple team working on same repository

I am trying to come up with a branching strategy. We have two teams working on the same product which is kept in one repository. Both teams have different release plans and if both teams merge on ...
Totoro's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

A feature branch on top of another feature branch (dealing with PRs)

As shown in the following image, I have two different branches with their corresponding PRs (PR1 and PR2). The top arrow is the develop branch. PR2 is build on top of PR1. PR1 is build on top of ...
mgNobody's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Branching strategy for developing multiple features at the same time

We are doing a mobile app development and currently, we have Dev - UAT - Staging - Main branches. We branch from the Main branch as feature/fA for feature development. We do our development in that ...
Kdaydin's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between trunk based development and gitflow?

I've been searching the internet and I can't find a good question to this so I believe I have a fundamental misunderstanding on what they are. Is the only difference that in gitflow there is a release ...
RoboShop's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

GitFlow merge conflicts between release and develop

I've been using Git and GitFlow for quite a few years now, but this is still confusing me. Let's say I open branch release/1.1.1 to let the stakeholders test their application. While they're testing ...
Carlo Moretti's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Git-flow: How to create a hotfix release when there are future releases?

This question is related to Vincent Driessen's Git Flow branching model. To better describe my problem I would like to use one of Mr. Diressen's great pictures in a slightly modified way: The ...
buhtz's user avatar
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Git flow for multiservice monorepo

My project is a monorepo where the top level directory contains build infrastructure and a set of project directories for different services. Each service has its own branch of development. The ...
linethepanic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Working on different release branches at the same time using git flow

In git flow, there is a point where you decide to create a branch from the current develop being the new release. For example 1.7. Everthing that is ready to this point is considered beeing in that ...
Jim Panse's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

I need help understanding a seemingly broken Git release flow

First some context. Working in teams which use a CI environment, many people will know the typical Gitflow release process. Without going into too much political detail, the company I currently work ...
ChrisK's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Should integration tests run after updating the feature branch from master?

We have a suite of integration tests that take about 2 hours to complete. Currently our flow is that each feature branch runs the integration tests, and only if the branch is updated from master and ...
Moshe Shaham's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How to properly manage bugfixes for released versions in git flow

We follow git flow, see Lets imagine the following situation: We have a current version 2.0.8 on our prod environment. After a while, several ...
Jim Panse's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Nightly build, GitFlow and PR [closed]

My customer decided to have an automatic nightly build based on develop branch. We usually make a feature branch (and if it is necessary we provide a release compiled manually on that branch) and when ...
AP.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How should I handle production rollbacks and eventual hotfix using gitflow?

I want to implement gitflow but I have a question. Let's imagine I have release version 1.0.0, it works nicely so I merge it into master. We deploy and it goes to prod. Sadly we didn't notice ...
Pitto's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Git tags as an alternative to --no-ff in gitflow

In, Driessen suggests using the --no-ff flag to make the history of commits for the dev branch clear. This is an easy flag for individuals on ...
Benjamin Berman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Git workflow - when exactly do you need dedicated branch for release

I have worked with Git workflows where we release from dedicated branch specifically used for release (e.g. Gitflow's master/main branch). In such workflows, there will be multiple (at least 2) long ...
user3240688's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Feature branches vs controller extension

Note: Controller here refers to one from MVCs Bear with me, I know these are seemingly unrelated. However, I'm inclined to think both are analogous to each other being that they're means to the same ...
I Want Answers's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are several versions in production a key to choose GitFlow over GitHub flow?

I've seen in many places, one of them here (and also in the guiding questions of GitVersion) that, when coming to determine whether or not to use GitFlow, one key consideration is whether or not I ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

GitFlow question about develop and hotfix branches

I've read the canonical article about GitFlow by Vincent Driessen, and there are 2 things I'm not sure about: In the big diagram in the beginning of the article: In the line of the develop branch, ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
  • 172
0 votes
2 answers

Why is master branch important in GitHub flow?

First let me phrase my understanding of GitHub flow before asking the question: In GitHub flow, we have a main branch, and feature/topic/bugfix/whatever branches branching off that main branch. Once ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Why deploy to the development environment?

I can't seem to find a good enough answer, nor can I reason it out myself. Why deploy to the development environment? In most examples I've seen, automated unit tests and integration tests run as part ...
Billy's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Release Management best practice for cross-functional teams

I want to know about best practices for release management of a product-technical team with about 7 cross-functional teams included. We changed our team structure to something like Spotify Squads ...
Mahmood Kohansal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to organize Hotfixes

I work at a rather small company, around 10 devs and we are facing a lot of problems with merges and so on, I figured it could be because of the amount Hotfixes we are merging into master daily. So I ...
John K's user avatar
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1 answer

What to do with a big pull request for just one feature?

We are using git flow as a branching model, and we have a feature ticket that conceptually is a pretty small feature in the software management tool, in this case Jira. The thing is that the code on ...
Mauricio Pastorini's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using tags instead of different branches

Git flow recommends to have separate branches .i.e. main/master --> production deployable code Development branch gets created from main/master --> active development branch (integration branch) ...
Ruchir Bharadwaj's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Gitflow - Share release branch executable with tester before tagging it

I use GitFlow as a workflow for versionning for less than 1 month. I've just finished to develop a feature branch which has been merged to develop/. Now, I'm starting a release branch from develop. ...
Clément's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why shouldn't I merge two feature branches in git-flow?

When there are two feature branches that has some dependencies, and they are work in progress, but some piece of code want to be shared, why shouldn't I merge a feature into another?
barathz's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to handle dependencies between branches in git-flow?

I've been working on feature_A while another dev works on feature_B. Now, the other dev needs a small functionallity that's implemented in my feature_A, but I've not finished the whole feature itself. ...
barathz's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to deal with multiple release/hotfix branches in Gitflow?

I'm implementing Gitflow at the company I currently work for and everything is going pretty well. I'm just not completely sure if I'm dealing with more than one release on the pipeline at the same ...
Guilherme Taffarel Bergamin's user avatar
69 votes
8 answers

In code review, should I ask to do a refactor outside of the scope in a pull request?

I have been studying the best practices for a code review, and I was wondering what to do in the following scenario: During a code review, I see potential improvements, but decide that they are ...
Tisp's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Gitflow, use code from another feature branch in feature branch

me and a friend are working on a project, and we are both doing seperate things (he does UI, I do some data structure), and his code relies on my code. Right now we have a master, a develop and 2 ...
jvdberg08's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

How to reduce the merge-redundancy due to testing in our Git workflow?

We have are a small team of 6 people working with Scrum and Git. We are developing a quite complex webapplication with the ZK Framework. It uses Java and a MySQL database. We have adapted the "Git ...
hamena314's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Git work flow with pull requests

I have come across a small issue with the git work flow in the team. When starting to work on a user story, we create a feature branch from the develop branch. Once the user story is finished, a ...
Joshua's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is cherry-picking commits into master (instead of merging) a good idea?

Background At work we've been trying to find a new workflow. We currently follow git-flow pretty closely. We don't have release branches; we just merge develop directly into master once we feel like ...
Nathaniel Pisarski's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Using gitflow, when do people tend to close off the release branch?

We're using the gitflow branching strategy and it works well. What I can't seem to find though is a recommendation on what point people close their releases. For example, suppose we got 4 ...
Percy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to cope with production rollbacks when using gitflow

We're reviewing the popular Gitflow as our git branching model and I've liked it so far. One case I'm not sure about is the production rollback. Say we've there's a new feature that we're planning to ...
Mikayil Abdullayev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

With the "git flow" approach, why are release branches merged into develop?

In the git flow workflow, it is recommended to create branches for releases, and when the release-specific work is done, merge the result into the master and development branch. I understand why we ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Git Tagging for SaaS application with CD and SemVer

I'm developing a SaaS application where I'm required to keep track and publish every change in a changelog. I've started to follow a Semantic Versioning approach and also using Continuous Delivery. ...
Diego Jancic's user avatar