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2 This PhD thesis is an attempt to understand how the international actions for security management and their dynamics conjoin. The theoretical perspective follows the social logics specific to the constructivist approach. In the debate... more
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This paper intends to investigate the relations between former imperial powers and new sovereign states succeeding an empire in the field of international security, particularly when involving the use of force. Despite their stated... more
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    • Post-imperial orders
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The unique features of the European Union generate permanent political and theoretical debates; the fact is unsurprising, since simply describing this entity is a challenge. Despite the impressive literature on the topic, there is no a... more
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The external interventions, particularly the military ones, question the sovereignty of the states involved. From a constructivist viewpoint, the paper is approaching the possibility of considering some of these interventions as... more
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"The European Union can be considered as the most innovative polity in modern times particularly due to the way of dealing with the sovereignty-related issue among its members. In the international realm, this EU peculiarity explains how... more
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While sovereignty remains a hallmark of the increasingly globalized international system, the major powers are in particularly interested in offering directions to global politics, by taking the lead in formulating goals and policies, and... more
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    •   6  
      International RelationsInternational StudiesInternational SecuritySecurity Studies
This article introduces the topic of armed nonstate
actors and briefly summarizes the contributions to
this special issue.
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheorySecurity StudiesInternational Security Studies
Discu\ia de mai jos încearc` s` formuleze câteva posibile r`spunsuri cu privire la o decizie care poate influen\a România pe termen lung ]i foarte lung. Consider`m c` se impune o interogare asupra felului în care a ajuns România în... more
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The paper tries to investigate the present hiatus between the European Union’ positions in dealing with contemporary security crises, and the positions defended by the national governments. The article argues that some answers in this... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecuritySecurity StudiesEuropean Union
The European Union’s transformative power, exercised not only on its member states, but also on the societies in its proximity, in particular those that contemplate the possibility of accession, has been interpreted at times under the... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Security
Every scholar who intends to study in a coherent and academically acceptable manner a world simultaneously extremely diverse and inter-connected faces a difficult choice. On the one hand, the researcher needs the clarity of the abstract... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheorySocial Research Methods and MethodologyInternational Studies
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European : specificul puterii normative non-westphalice i responsabilitate post-imperial Rezumat: "Obiect politic necunoscut", greu de surprins în cadrele conceptuale uzuale, Uniunea European î i define te un rol particular în gestionarea... more
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    • International Relations and European Studies
The debate over international institutions has emerged as one of the most influential ones, within International Relations theory. The main research programs in the discipline have developed competitive discourses about the salience of... more
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    • International Relations
This paper intends to investigate the relations between former imperial powers and new sovereign states succeeding an empire in the field of international security, particularly when involving the use of force. Despite their stated... more
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    • Organization
The unique features of the European Union generate permanent political and theoretical debates; the fact is unsurprising, since simply describing this entity is a challenge. Despite the impressive literature on the topic, there is no... more
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    • Political Science
For three decades after the end of the Cold War, non-traditional threats and their management dominated the perception and understanding of international security. Intra-state conflicts and humanitarian interventions, the war on terror,... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational StudiesInternational Security