Southern Methodist University
Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences
Thirty-five years ago Dick Tedford and Len Radinsky collected the remains of three individuals of a new gerbil in the hill country of Afghanistan. Tedford's gerbil is a new, large species of a widespread late Neogene genus, Abudhabia. The... more
Recent screen washing at Bukwa, Uganda, has produced a deciduous lower premolar, a deciduous upper premolar, and three other upper cheek teeth of tiny thryonomyoid rodents and a single fragmentary ochotonid cheek tooth. Bukwa is early... more
Fieldwork was r~-instituted in the Western Rift in 1982 by the Semliki Research Expedition, under the direction of , after a hiatus of 22 years when the Ganda-Congo Expedition directed by de Heinzelin ceased operations . Most fieldwork... more
Siwalik Group sediments on the Potwar Plateau have yielded approximately 20 cranial and postcranial remains of leporids from nine localities. The oldest dental remains (late Miocene, 7.4-6.5 Ma) are from the Hasnot area, Dhok Pathan... more
The paleosol-carbonate CO 2 barometer is widely accepted to be the most reliable method for reconstructing Earth's atmospheric CO 2 concentrations in deep time. Currently, the largest source of error in atmospheric CO 2 calculated using... more