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What does it mean to have access to or to live on land? Why might it matter if 'God' was the owner? Morningstar Ranch was an experiment in social caring that was an embodiment of feminist non-tangible and healing labor. I contrast... more
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      Social MovementsSpiritualityAnarchismNationalism
Morningstar Ranch was an experimental commune in Sonoma County California where people went to learn about being on the land. Soon, the owner decides to try to give the land back go God. About dropping out, opening land to anyone and... more
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      Landscape EcologyUtopian StudiesUrban SociologyTemporality
Earth monitoring initiated by late 60s space programs proliferates as visualization technologies for multiple purposes; weather tracking, military, communications, etc. Authors like Virilio have discussed how these technologies produce... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyGlobalizationVisual Culture
Non-consensual eco-sex I am looking to publish this one! It is strange and creepy and.. it is done! Any ideas for where to send it are very welcomed! Non-consensual eco-sex A guided meditation on the semi-permeable membrane Lyme disease... more
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How do the places in between that clue us to ways of ecological rescaling and in turn, a new ecological imagining and way of doing art. Permacultural practice is the starting place for thinking about what is in-between- encounter sites... more
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      Art TheoryPoeticsSymbiosisIndigenous Knowledge
The DSB Fragtmandshallerne in outer Norrebrø is a 1000 square meter dinosaur of a building surrounded by a weedy field and bounded by the DSB commuter line, commercial shopping and high-density public housing. It is in a neighborhood... more
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      Landscape EcologyEcologyUrban Design
Margaretha Geetruida Zelle, aka Mata Hari, was born to a petit-bourgeoisie family in Leewarden, Holland, in 1876. As the 18 year-old mail-order bride of a Dutch naval officer, Zelle lived for years as an officer’s wife in Dutch colonized... more
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      ParasitologyInstallation ArtActor Network TheoryConsumerism
" The refuse between mind and matter is a mine of information " Robert Smithson Sarah Lewison and duskin drum share from their work on the nature of being in a time of melting. Poaching from permaculture and microbiology to... more
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      Art Practice as ResearchDark EcologyPractice as ResearchEnvironmental Humanities
With Dan Wang:
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      Rural SociologyRadical GeographyProtest and resistanceIndignados
D o. Pretend to. Sit with me in a basement office and listen to the small universe we occupied for 7 years as a university worker. The office opens onto a hallway. A plaque on the door names the worker who is remunerated for her time in... more
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      Political EcologySoundscape StudiesMechanical Vibrations
The Land was an independent magazine published in the United States from 1940 to 1955. Launched to address the catastrophic loss of topsoil and nutrients during the ten-year drought in the central US that led to the Dust Bowl, the journal... more
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      Organic agricultureRural HistoryRural DevelopmentAgriculture