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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး
Türkmenistan  (Turkmen)
ၸွမ်ပိဝ် Emblem
Türkmenistan Bitaraplygyň watanydyr
"Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality"[1][2]
Garaşsyz Bitarap Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni
"National Anthem of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan"
 ဢွင်ႈတီႈ မိူင်းတၢၵ်ႈမႅၼ်ႇၼီႇသတၼ်ႇ   (red)
 ဢွင်ႈတီႈ မိူင်းတၢၵ်ႈမႅၼ်ႇၼီႇသတၼ်ႇ   (red)
ဝဵင်းငဝ်ႈၸိုင်ႈ Ashgabat
37°58′N 58°20′E / 37.967°N 58.333°E / 37.967; 58.333
ဝဵင်းယႂ်ႇသေပိူၼ်ႈ Ashgabat
ၽႃႇသႃႇၵႂၢမ်း ၸႂ်ႉၼႂ်းလုမ်း  Turkmen[3]
ၸၢဝ်းၶိူဝ်း (2012)
Demonym TurkmenistaniTurkmenian
လူင်ပွင်ၸိုင်ႈ Unitary presidential republic under a totalitarian hereditary dictatorship[4]
Serdar Berdimuhamedow
Raşit Meredow
• Chairman of the People's Council
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow
Dünýägözel Gulmanowa
လုမ်းတႅၼ်းၽွင်းသၢင်ႈမိူင်း Assembly
Independence from the Soviet Union
13 May 1925
• Declared state sovereignty
22 August 1990
• From the Soviet Union
27 October 1991
• Recognized
26 December 1991
18 May 1992
ပိုၼ်ႉတီႈ ဢၼ်ပိူင်ႇ
• ႁူမ်ႈ
[5] (ၸၼ်ႉ: 52nd)
• ၼမ်ႉ (%)
• သဵၼ်ႈမၢႆႁူဝ်ႁိူၼ်း
7,057,841 [6]
• လွင်ႈသတ်ႉႁူဝ်ၼပ်ႉၵူၼ်း
(ၸၼ်ႉ- 221st)
GDP (PPP) လၢမ်း 2023 
• ႁူမ်ႈ
Increase $126.132 billion[7] (ၸၼ်ႉ- 93nd)
• Per capita
Increase $19,938[7] (ၸၼ်ႉ - 80th)
GDP (nominal) လၢမ်း2023 
• ႁူမ်ႈ
Increase $81.822 billion[7]
• Per capita
Increase $12,934[7]
Gini (1998) 40.8
HDI (2021) 0.745[8]
သုင် · 91st
ငိုၼ်းတွင်း Manat (TMT)
ၶၢဝ်းယၢမ်းၼႃႈလိၼ် TMT (UTC+05)
ပိူင်သၢႆလူတ်ႉ right
ၶူတ်ႉတႄႇလီႇၾူင်း +993
Internet TLD .tm
  1. "Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality" is the motto of 2020 | Chronicles of Turkmenistan. En.hronikatm.com (28 December 2019).
  2. Turkmen parliament places Year 2020 under national motto "Turkmenistan – Homeland of Neutrality" – tpetroleum. Turkmenpetroleum.com (29 December 2019).
  3. Turkmenistan's Constitution of 2008.
  4. * "Totalitarianism: The Case of Turkmenistan" (2007). Human Rights & Human Welfare (Human Rights in Russia and the Former Soviet Republics): 107–116. Denver: Josef Korbel School of International Studies. 
  5. Государственный комитет Туркменистана по статистике : Информация о Туркменистане: О Туркменистане Archived 7 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine. : Туркменистан — одна из пяти стран Центральной Азии, вторая среди них по площади (491,21 тысяч км2), расположен в юго-западной части региона в зоне пустынь, севернее хребта Копетдаг Туркмено-Хорасанской горной системы, между Каспийским морем на западе и рекой Амударья на востоке.
  6. «Ilat ýazuwy — 2022»: Türkmenistanyň ilaty 7 million 57 müň 841 adama deň boldy | Jemgyýet (August 2023).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 World Economic Outlook Database, October 2023 Edition. (Turkmenistan). International Monetary Fund (10 October 2023).
  8. Human Development Report 2021/2022 (in en). United Nations Development Programme (8 September 2022).