While unpacking and sorting I came across this sheet music that has a real story to it. The song "In Your Green Hat" is one my grandmother sang to us and I have remembered the chorus always.
Over the years whenever I was in any antique shops of fairs and saw sheet music I would always look through hoping to find this particular song.
Then one night I was watching the "collectors" on the ABC where the programme was on old music and lo and behold on top of a box of music sheets there was "In Your Green Hat". After contacting them I was put in touch with a kind gentleman in Tasmania, who was only too happy to provide me with a copy.
The original was printed in green, but I am happy to have the black and white version. Has anyone ever heard this song. It holds such lovely memories for me of Nana.
The words of the chorus go:
"In your green hat you're beautiful,
You're the best dressed girl in town,
In you're green hat you're wonderful
from your shingle top all the way down.
You're like a fashion show from head toe
What a picture what a face and what a chapeau'
Here is a photo of my Nana with grandfather and my mother as a little girl...and of course Teddy.