Laptop update: I started digging out my program disks and reloading programs. At least, the ones that I could find. I need to find my photo-editing software & my Palm software. I also need to talk to iTunes to see if there is some way to pull the music from my iPod to merge it with the music library that they have on record for me. I did find my backup disks (however old) but some appear to be blank! *insert screams of rage & frustration here*
tatting: I'm still trying to untie that knot. I forgot to bring it to work on it today.
tv: I watched some of the Ranma 1/2 DVDs that John gave me, and an episode of Lois & Clark. And last night I learned that there was apparently an episode of Firefly that I missed. That was a nice surprise.
books: Read Bunnicula, it's a cute kid's book. I finished Gilt by Association (2nd Den of Antiquity book). The lead character is Abigail Timberlake, & she's so Southern. I enjoy her & the mysteries.
I started Shakespeare's Secret. It's about a 6th grader (about age 12) whose family has moved again so she's starting a new school. Her new neighbor tells her that everyone in town believes that the previous owner faked the theft of a diamond (to pay for his wife's medical care) and hid it in her house. It's a young adult book & pretty good so far. The young lady is named Hero for the character in one of my favorite Shakespeare plays.
clothes: light purple turtleneck, black slacks, grey cord vest, dark grey socks, black ~slippers (with the sole coming loose at the toe on the right one), rainbow moonstone earrings & trimoon pendant, moonstone ring, ~rope band, hematite band, Celtic knot ring & French-braided hair (with two clips toward the back to catch fly-aways).