My life is a bit crazy right now! I recently won my insurance battle and will be heading to Denver in a few months for a life-changing stem cell transplant that has the promise to stop my multiple sclerosis. This is such a blessing! But... I'm also panicking a bit. It's going to be a BIG couple of months for me and very difficult to be away from my kids for 8-10 weeks (hopefully with visits, of course!). Anyway... I am a chronic over thinker and this is a lot to process.
I've been distracting myself with a new project - bullet journaling! I am a huge fan of lists and always have a million going. Bullet journaling is (for me), a way to make my lists pretty! I originally saw this trend on Pinterest and there are so many ideas out there!
book I am using is linked here. It's nice quality, has a very pretty cover, and you just can't beat that price! I use
Flair Pens and they don't smear, they don't bleed, and the colors are adorable. They're great for drawing and have been a favorite for writing for over 15 years. They make my handwriting look so much neater and come in so many pretty colors. Have I mentioned
all the colors? :)
The first page I made is to track my photos. I store my images in monthly folders and back them up at the end of each month. I am meticulous (ridiculous?) in my photo storage! My pictures are my most prized possession. Now at the end of the month, I can check off each box and know that I've completed my ritual of over-protecting pictures of my kids. I can't find the exact washi tape I used at the top, but I did just find
this one that I am so wishing I had used instead! CUTE!
The second page I added is a "book shelf." So far I've only added books I've read this year (P.S. If you haven't already, read
The Alice Network! So good!), but I may add books on my wish list, too? Not sure yet. I LOVE how this page turned out. It was pretty easy to make because of the dot grid on the
journal pages.
I also added some of my favorite things on the "shelves."
This is our "House Projects" page. Mostly a dreamer's wish list since this year will likely only have room for
my stem cell transplant and recovery, but it's a fun page nonetheless. Someday...
My craft list is always growing! Love the
washi tape on this page.
My wish list page has a similar design using
washi tape. I LOVE washi tape.
A travel page detailing the states I've traveled to. Is it obvious I'm a West Coast girl? Once I'm healthy again, I think we need to head East for some adventures! I printed a US map and traced it onto this page in
black ink and then used
color pens to mark the states I have visited.
I'm not sure what other pages I'll add, but I'm having fun and it's an excellent distraction.
Thanks for visiting!
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