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SSL offloading apache BigIP

As far as I know roughly three approaches are possible. Don't do any URL remapping at the level of Apache, place all such logic on the F5. The F5 is aware of the original protocol and will generate ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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4 votes

Pulling HTTP codes from a F5 Load Balancer

If you don't have the fastHTTP profile applied you won't see stats on that oid. Normal HTTP profiles use these oids: [root@ltm3:Active:Standalone] mibs # snmptranslate -On F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB::...
Jason Rahm's user avatar
4 votes

How to tune TCP for high-frequency connections between two nodes

In our data center we have an F5 running on BigIP hardware that acts as single ingress point for HTTPS requests from client machines in our various office locations across the country. If this single ...
poige's user avatar
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3 votes

How to tune TCP for high-frequency connections between two nodes

Although I also think adding more IP addresses is the simplest way forward, have you considered exploring reusing TCP connections between the F5 and the Traefik nodes instead of creating a new one per ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent a user access to a website using but allowing thru the

This is simple to do with an iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } { # send a TCP reset reject # alternatively, redirect somewhere else # ...
Brandon Xavier's user avatar
2 votes

How to prevent a user access to a website using but allowing thru the

The simplest way is to set up a firewall that will block the port 9000 from any host other than the loadbalancer IP (provided it's not dynamic) simple rules : iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9000 -...
bocian85's user avatar
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F5 bigip network access application failed to run on Linux Mint 19 (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS based) distro

It's a bug in QT and openssl - The workaround for last error - Gtk-Message: 13:18:49.885: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module" fixed by running ...
IvanTheFirst's user avatar
2 votes

SSL offloading apache BigIP

Since you are offloading SSL, it's often easier to "offload" the fix in the redirects, as @HBruijn said you can use an iRule, but you can also simply use the "Redirect Rewrite" option on the HTTP ...
silmaril's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to set a scheduled tasks to run both directly before and directly after a windows update?

Good Question! How do you plan to patch the IIS Servers? What tool do you use? WSUS? SCCM? BigFix? Altiris? or any other? The WAY of SCOM - Its possible to trigger a script on a specific event ID. ...
Rajiv Iyer's user avatar
2 votes

What happens to IIS when I reboot my server?

IIS does not "gracefully" close connections during a schedule shutdown. User sessions will be reset and if you're not managing the BIG-IP, sessions will still be sent to the downed server node until ...
Chase's user avatar
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Why do redirects from my subdomain end up on my primary domain?

When using both an F5 and apache mod_rewrite and/or mod_proxy, where should subdomain handling, redirection, and/or SSL configurations be managed? As long as you decide to do so in one single ...
HBruijn's user avatar
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2 votes

How to tune TCP for high-frequency connections between two nodes

Turns out there was a very simple solution to this problem after all, which we figured out after working with the Traefik vendor for a while. Turns out also that the fact that we are running Traefik ...
Christoph's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating an F5 Pool And Assign Multiple Health Monitors To It

If you want to attach multiple monitors to the pool you are creating, you need to put them in parentheses: create ltm pool p1 members add { } monitor "http https" or, if you ...
Jason Rahm's user avatar
2 votes

How to solve "Bad Certificate" error on kubernetes pod?

I found the issue. It appears that within the deployment YAML file it was possible to set a --insecure=true flag. This forced the device to not check the certificate, and successfully connect to the ...
Alessandro's user avatar
2 votes

Does F5 HTTP/2 profile need tuning?

So, should we tune this value up from 10 to say 100? I would definitely set it to 100+ as performance-wise this a much better value to make the most of HTTP/2 parallelism. What effects will that ...
Rodrigo Albuquerque's user avatar
2 votes

F5 BIG-IP workaround to CVE-2020-5902 vulnerability

F5 seems to be digging themselves deeper and deeper with this issue. Their initial workaround didn't actually fix the issue. i get it, it happens. Then it turns out their second workaround didn't fix ...
AliK's user avatar
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1 vote

How to solve "Bad Certificate" error on kubernetes pod?

Modify the certificate, and add an IP Address, as a SAN in addition to your DNS name SANS See screenshot attached.
JStryker's user avatar
1 vote

Migrate ESXi vm to qcow2 with settings preserved?

The BIG-IP license will "become" invalid because the software detected a hardware signature change and it no longer matches is initial dossier state when it was created (system hash for a deployed ...
Chase's user avatar
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Migrate ESXi vm to qcow2 with settings preserved?

Am I doing something wrong like exporting or converting the wrong file? You're literally only converting the virtual disk file, not the VM description file - for a VMware VM that data is in a .vmk ...
Chopper3's user avatar
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SSL Renegotiation trigger - F5 iRule

There isn't a specific event for renegotiate that I can see in the docs... However have you tried logging any CLIENT_HANDSHAKE or SERVER_HANDSHAKE events? It's not specifically mentioned that ...
troubled's user avatar
1 vote

Can we have multiple SNAT pools configured under a single VIP?

This is pretty straightforward with an iRule: when LB_SELECTED { if { [IP::addr [LB::server addr] equals] } { snatpool snat-1 } else if { [IP::addr [LB::server addr] equals 10.0.0....
Jason Rahm's user avatar
1 vote

How to assign multiple pools to single virtual server [VIP] in F5

Dexirian is correct above - but I think this more correctly answers based on your need for multiple pools due to multiple clients: when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { ...
JStryker's user avatar
1 vote

How can I report on hosts that are using TLS 1.1 or older?

You can set iRule that will log connections to remote log server. That will require syslog server and a pool that contain it. You can log all TLS types to know which hosts are ok and which require ...
nethero's user avatar
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How to automate F5 saas_idp template on BigIP from Ansible

I found out where was the trap to avoid - Ansible replaced yes value by True python boolean object before submitting variable - so discarding expected string: variables: - name: ...
Yves Martin's user avatar
1 vote

Can't connect to Internet while F5 VPN is connected

Building on HBruijn's comment: There are a few reasons this would not work: Split Tunneling is not allowed and the VPN routes are preventing web browsing while on a full VPN tunnel (or policy is ...
Chase's user avatar
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How Call routed in F5 Box from => Client - Virtual Server - Pool - Pool Member and back to client

There are many options available, depending on your architecture and your traffic needs. There are layer 2 modes available, but I'll focus here on layer 3. Routed. In routed mode, you have routes for ...
Jason Rahm's user avatar
1 vote

F5 LTM The time between a node going down and a health check failing

Your health checks should be configured to be 3n+1, n being your polling interval. Say you have an interval of 5 seconds, so the timeout is 16 seconds. So you have the potential for upwards of 16 ...
Jason Rahm's user avatar
1 vote

Pulling HTTP codes from a F5 Load Balancer

In order for the F5 to start gathering metrics in regards to HTTP response codes I had to provision the AVR module on the F5. Then I just need to simply apply the default HTTP profile to my pool of ...
Jeff Gebhardt - MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

What happens to existing virtual server connections when I update an iRule?

Your assumption is correct, when you save the iRule, existing connections will continue to use the old version, while new connections will use the update.
Jason Rahm's user avatar
1 vote

Why Ping Latencies in VE LTM so high on F5 Networks LTM?

My experience says that you'd be better off running F5 VE under VMware Player/Workstation/ESX. I'm running a VE under VMware ESX and even from a remote location connected by 600M I'm getting <1ms ...
nutcase's user avatar
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