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4 votes

Some details of the route matching algorithm

I wonder if the bitwise AND will ALSO be applied to the "Network Destination" of current entry in the route table and the netmask, Yes, but that's usually done when the route is added, not ...
grawity's user avatar
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3 votes

How to access my public server (setup via nginx proxy) through it's public domain but as a LAN connection?

You have two choices; 1 - A split-DNS scenario. You host an internal DNS server that will resolve the local IP to computers that use that DNS server. The public DNS would not change, but that make the ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
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1 vote

How to connect to MariaDB Server via OpenVPN

The only thing you need to change in your firewall is to explicitly allow traffic from your VPN subnet to connect to the MySQL port (usually 3306). You may need to check your authentication setup in ...
symcbean's user avatar
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