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Remote access does not work like localhost

I can install this package and browse using localhost:3000 as address. git clone cd zetajs/examples/letter-address-tool npm install npm start I got these ...
shantanuo's user avatar
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Subdomains from NPM dont work via Dynv6-Main-Zone

Today I got a new Router. Unfortunately I only get DS-lite from now on. Extra DS does cost a lot extra for private usage. I have 3 Webserver publically reachable: Jellyfin, Nextcloud and Home ...
Sven Jung geb Stiefvater's user avatar
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Why are internal resources accessed via NPM arriving from my public IP address?

Situation: I have a domain, let's say On a server in my local network, I have a few services running, including Nginx Proxy Manager. In NPM, I have configured various hosts such as ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Updating lodash to the latest version to resolve a handful of vulnerabilities

I'm attempting to update lodash and have run several commands; npm update -g lodash npm update lodash --force I've ran npm cache clean --force but nothing. Many of the lodash modules are outdated ...
Scivic's user avatar
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How to have nexus download the newest package from npmjs official site when package is not present in local

I have updated the npmjs package to 0.1.148, but when I update the package in macOS using this pnpm command: > pnpm update --force  WARN  using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing  ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Npm install and ng build takes 35-40min

I have environment: Jenkins Docker proxmox with vm and lxc container angular 9 project Problem is with my Dockerfile building, it takes around 35-40min. My dockerfile FROM node:12.6-stretch ARG ...
PawelC's user avatar
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Library Error while installing NPM on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

I'm trying to install NPM on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS; How can I fix this problem? Step 1: user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update Hit:1 jammy InRelease ...
Andre's user avatar
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domain "alias" in LAN

I have the following setup: a registered domain,, with several websites/webapps under different subdomains:, etc. on my LAN I have a pfsense router and a ...
popliviustefan's user avatar
2 votes
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how to fix the npm install fails with 'An unknown git error occurred' in one folder but works in a another folder

My Server runs on Centos 8 and I installed nodejs latest (v14.17.5) and NPM (v7.21.0), both dont have a .git folder in there. I have a very very strange issue, If I goto folder, and run ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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Using SSH key for install npm module from private repository inside docker

I make container for nodejs project. Inside the project I am using private repository. I need an access to it. For that I am using next Dockerfile FROM node:15 RUN echo "StrictHostKeyChecking no&...
Eugene's user avatar
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Program installed for one user cannot be accessed from other user even full path is provided

I have all the npm pacakages installed for a particular user (i.e) not root (/home/otheruser/*) I am using monit to see whether to check the program is running. In this case its pm2, which is in /home/...
The Keeper's user avatar
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WSL2 on Windows 10 - installed NVM, Node but can't install any package

I have WSL 2 on my Windows 10 (* Ubuntu-20.04 Running 2). I installed nvm and node on it. nvm --version: 0.35.3 nvm ls: -> v14.11.0 default -> node (-> v14.11.0) node -> stable (->...
AlexB's user avatar
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How to assign which user to execute commands inside the container in AWS FARGATE

i'm trying to launch a nodejs container using AWS FARGATE, the problem i'm facing is that fargate gives me this error : cannot find this module "/path/to/file/webrtc.js" And when i execute ...
logax's user avatar
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What's the magic path for npm when using sudo?

I remember I was able to use something like sudo ${which npm} run xxx when I needed root privilege to run npm. What is it?
Aero Windwalker's user avatar
5 votes
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How to configure Systemd service unit to start Node app with "npm start" instead of "app.js"

Environment: CentOS 8, Node.js, Digital Ocean Droplet My Systemd setup starts a node app with the following command. It works as expected. $ sudo systemctl start myapp File 1: /etc/systemd/system/...
myNewAccount's user avatar
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NPM issue, where to start

Hopefully this is the right forum to post. Coming stack overflow but I think this is more you guys' expertise. I have a centos 6.10 box. It had Node.js and npm running ok. I don't know which versions ...
Aaron's user avatar
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NodeJS React Systemd Service not working

I am trying to set up a systemd service for a simple react application. This application is hosted in /home/myuser/test. Both npm and node are in the PATH and hard linked to /usr/bin. All the files ...
Nissy A.W.'s user avatar
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gcloud deploy not making dist folder

Admittedly, I'm a novice at GCloud. I "inherited" a project abandoned by the previous developer. I'm trying to deploy a node app on the app engine. The app won't start because it can't find the ...
Mike Hogan's user avatar
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node-sass error when installing on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm having problems installing node-sass on my server. root@west:/usr/lib/node_modules# npm install -g node-sass npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. ...
Andrew Newby's user avatar
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Babel 6.26.3 keeps getting installed instead of version 7.7

I'm setting up a new server (Ubuntu 18.10), and I can't seem to get the latest Babel installed. I'm doing: apt-get -y install npm sudo npm install -g babel-cli npm install --save-dev @babel/core Yet ...
Andrew Newby's user avatar
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Mint, unable to install new version of NodeJS and NPM [closed]

I am unable to install a newer version of NodeJS than 8.10.0 on my Linux Mint machine. I've added repositories of newer versions (10.x and 11.x) via bash but neither works, apt does not find any ...
fingust's user avatar
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Nginx rewrite proxy pass (For node react app)

I am running a Node React app on localhost:3000, which I am reverse proxying with Nginx and exposing on localhost/web/. However, there are issues with the files generated by the app, because they are ...
simernes's user avatar
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npm install globally a package offline with tarball

According to npm docs, this should work; npm install ./package.tgz So I try this globally for pm2 tarfile I have downloaded from pm2 github repo releases page; npm install -g ./pm2-3.2.2.tar.gz ...
Yasin Okumuş's user avatar
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Cannot install npm on an embedded Debian hardware:

I'm not being able to install NPM on my Debian embedded hardaware. Here is the log: I'm trying to install node on an embedded amd64 system. Here is the log: $ sudo curl --silent --location https://...
Mendes's user avatar
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How to install NPM on Debian?

Can somebody please help with installing NPM in Debian? First I tried apt-get install npm but got this message: Unable to locate package npm. So I followed the installation steps for Debian from ...
Lajdák Marek's user avatar
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npm update fails with cryptonote

I'm installing the electroneum pool git. I ran npm update and I keep getting the same error, I've tried changing node version but that doesn't make any difference. Here is the error root@ubuntu:~/...
Casper Round's user avatar
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Jenkins Docker build slave - npm cache not working

I have a Docker image, let's call it frontend.image, that I use for a Jenkins build slave. The Jenkins Docker plugin will spin up a container from this image and build artifacts inside the container. ...
Brian's user avatar
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how to resolve rename error when insalling grunt via npm without admin access?

I need to install grunt for a project setup in Windows 7. However, I am running into an issue that whenever I try to install grunt globally, it fails because of a permission error. A few other people ...
user3346931's user avatar
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How to install Node.js and NPM on Unix server so that no users require sudo to install or read global packages?

Is this really such an uncommon situation that I can't find answers anywhere? Anyway. I have a Ubuntu VM server on DigitalOcean and I am running Jenkins on this server to do build, test and local ...
Megakoresh's user avatar
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What does npm's error message The package grunt does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies … tell?

On an little outdated npm/node-platform I'm getting this error while trying to install grunt. npm ERR! peerinvalid The package grunt does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements! npm ...
frlan's user avatar
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docker npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies

While trying Docker Tutorial getting error while running root@ip-172-31-22-20:~/docker-curriculum# docker build -t ashishkarpe/foodtrucks-web . root@ip-...
Ashish Karpe's user avatar
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How to launch let'schat (nodejs app) as deamon?

I have installed "let's chat" on my server. In the documentation, they say to launch the application with npm start from the directory where the application is installed. But i'm unable to launch ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Any way to stop apt-get upgrade downgrading npm to version 2?

I installed nodejs 4 on Ubuntu 14.04 using node's official PPA, as described here. It seems like npm v2 is the default so I upgraded npm to v3 using itself (npm update --global). Version 3 is required ...
contrebis's user avatar
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Node-sass error during installation of node modules

I'm trying to install Laravel on my Debian server, but it fails during installation of node-sass. I have had this setup for a long time and never experienced issues before. Maybe node-sass or npm ...
Emil Moe's user avatar
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How do I get the SSH key of my EB instance so that I can give it deployment access in BitBucket?

I am building a node.js app that is hosted by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. One of the dependencies is hosted on BitBucket. I have specified the Git SSH url in the package.json file and everything works on ...
sdgfsdh's user avatar
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google engine 502 bad gateway during fetch npm package

I'm getting weird 502 error while trying to fetch npm package inside of google service instance. Error is constantly repeating on Google App Engine (Docker container deployment procedure), and Google ...
Andrey Afoninsky's user avatar
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Running npm via sudo (not as root, not as self-user) can't find npm where root or self-user can

I have a makefile, which I use to sudo make install for the parts of my app that generally require root installation. Unfortunately, this results in a strange situation where sudo doesn't have access ...
Kzqai's user avatar
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Making war inside Docker stuck on NPM

Using Docker to make war file to attach to Apache Tomcat. Struggling to use NPM/MVN to get Tomcat war up. I'm behind a corporate proxy and the make scripts don't have "bower install --allow-root" (...
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EC2 instance (Ubuntu) suddenly got very sluggish

I logged into my EC2 instance on AWS, pull the latest code and started running npm update and noticed my Ubuntu become very, very sluggish. When I run ps aux I got this: USER PID %CPU %MEM ...
spirytus's user avatar
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Simple Linux Benchmarking Test to Perform Throughout Install

I have a script that installs a lot of software. For debugging purposes I am looking for a way of simply benchmarking my system after each install to see which piece of software cripples my server. ...
ChaseLouisPowers's user avatar
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Are we drowning in package managers? [closed]

The current trend is to use language-oriented package manager, such as npm or bower for javascript, pip for python, gems for ruby and so on. As I understand the need for a dependency manager when you ...
luxcem's user avatar
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Openshift not installing node modules

I have a production pipeline of local code pushed via git to Wercker (a continuous delivery platform) and then is forwarded to openshift for production. Both steps, the local build and the deployment ...
motleydev's user avatar
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Bad output for "npm ls"

How can I fix this ugly output for "npm ls"? Debian Wheezy / node v0.10.36 / npm 2.4.1 UPDATE: «*» - is an ugly char, that I can not reproduce here: [email protected] /var/www/helloworld *** ...
Dmitry Lyapin's user avatar
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unable to install npm on the AWS RHEL7 AMI because of c-ares-devel dependency

I've added the EPEL repository and attempted to install npm (since it is not included in the standard repos), but get the following error: Error: Package: nodejs-devel-0.10.33-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) ...
Leonardo Gonzalez's user avatar
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Etherpad-Lite - Something bad happened

I installed etherpad-lite on Debian 7 - I also configured NPM and Node.js, but if I try to open etherpad, I'm getting this error: { "error": "Sorry, something bad happened!" } On the console I'm ...
MyFault's user avatar
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400 bad request from a proxy cache

So we have an nginx proxy cache that is used to maintain uptime even if npm goes down. On occasion this server (noticeably once every few months) starts returning 400 bad request for every response ...
Parris's user avatar
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npm install generator-webapp fail

I have cleaned my run npm remove ... and npm -g remove ... to remove everything related to npm. But I still got below error when I try npm install generator-webapp npm ERR! peerinvalid The package yo ...
David S.'s user avatar
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Cant use npm as provider with puppet

I am attempting to do the following in puppet: package { 'bower': ensure => present, provider => 'npm', require => Class['nodejs'], before => [ Exec['npm_install'], ...
spetz's user avatar
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How to install nodejs and npm packages with salt on debian

I'm struggling to install a recent nodejs version and npm packages using salt on debian. Here is my salt state: nodejs-deps: pkg.installed: - names: - g++ - curl - libssl-dev ...
Nicolas BADIA's user avatar
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Issues installing Grunt in Vagrant environment

I am attempting to install node.js, npm and Grunt.js in an Ubuntu Trusty 64bit Vagrant environment and running into some issues. Here is my puppet manifest: init.pp -- class grunt::install { ...
kaffolder's user avatar
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